The Truth

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Saito was playing video games in his room. He was pretty much a master at killing zombies now.

As he was playing, he heard a knock on the window. He looked at the window and he saws tiny rocks flying at the window.

"The fuck?" He asked in confusion and opened the window.

Haru was standing near the window, unfortunately a floor away, carrying Yui's motionless body.

"What's wrong with her?!" He yelled in shock.

"The real question is how we're gonna get her up in the room without your mom noticing." Haru ignored.

"I'm asking you a question." Saito growled.

"I'll just throw her up or something." Haru said nonchalantly.

Saito thought he was kidding until he noticed that he was actually preparing to throw her.

"No! Don't you idiot!" He yelled in panic.

Too late. But at least Saito caught her. Haru put a thumbs up and walked away.

"H-Hey! Answer me!" Saito screamed through the window.

"Yui will explain when she wakes up." He said simply and walked away.

"Saito, what the hell are you doing inside that room?!" His mother bursted through the door.

She stared at the scenery. A very confused Saito standing in the middle of the room with an unconscious Yui in his hands, with his video game paused on the TV, even though she took them away.

"What the heck are you doing with Yui?!" Satoko yelled and grabbed Yui from Saito's hands with surprising amount of force.

She was quite strong for a woman. Also quite manly.

"And I thought I confiscated those!" She yelled and unplugged his TV.

She picked up his games, while still carrying Yui like she was nothing. Saito stared in amazement.

"Mom, why are you so strong?" He asked in a very stupidly blunt way.

Instead of getting flattered by the comment, she only glared at him even more.

"Don't ask stupid shit." She growled.

With that she walked out with his video games and sister. But before she closed the door, she added:

"By the way, since this is probably your fault, you aren't allowed to watch your stupid TV operas."

With that cruel punishment she slowly closed the door.

Tomorrow Yui ignored the subject no matter how much times Saito asked for explanations.

"That's none of your bussiness." She would tell to him, even though she butted her nose in his bussiness countless of times.

"She won't tell me anything." Saito whined to Haru, trying to get it out of him.

"Well, that's her choice, now isn't it?" Haru smiled at him.

"You just delivered her unconscious. She's refusing to talk about it. Don't you think that sounds fishy?" Saito said in a tone that read 'accusing you of something'.

"It quite does." He answered, looking like his mind was somewhere else.

Saito got annoyed. He pulled Haru up by his shirt.

"If I found out you did anything to her-"

"I could say the same thing for Mitsuki." He interrupted seriously.

"... What?" Saito asked in confusion.

What did he mean by that.

"It means you're a bit too dangerous for my liking." Haru smiled innocently.

"You have no right to tell me who I should hang out with!" Saito yelled back.

"You can hang out with whoever you want, just try to avoid Mitsuki."

Saito frowned in frustration. What the hell is wrong with him? Usually Haru isn't this argumentative. Or even this brave to stand up to Saito.

Saito just grunted and let go of him. Time to go to the person who always tells the truth. Toshiki.

He found him just standing at the hall, looking around aimlessly. He looked like he was absent and alert at the same time, which he thought was impossible.

"Usami." Saito let his presence been known with the most furious voice he could.

Toshiki just sloppily looked at him. Like it was usual to see Saito looking like he was gonna murder someone.

"Do you know what happened to Yui?" Saito asked.

"Yes." Toshiki nodded.

There was a silence. The thing that annoyed Saito the most about him is that you had to ask him a specific question, because he won't talk for himself.

"Can you explain?" Saito asked, losing his patience.


There was silence again. Saito growled and continued.

"Tell it to me!" He yelled angrily.

"It's a secret." Toshiki said bluntly.

Saito was so close to punching him.

"And why is it a secret?!" Saito yelled.

"Haru said it was." Toshiki answered.

This time Toshiki was the one being grabbed by the collar of his shirt. The difference was that he was just blankly staring at Saito like nothing happened.

"Don't you understand?! I'm worried about her! She just came home knocked out and nobody will talk about it!" He yelled, trying to knock some sense into his head.

"It's understandable. Your her brother, it's instinct to be worried." Toshiki stated.

"I don't need your fucking facts! I want the truth!" Saito yelled to the bored looking Toshiki.

"The truth is that Haru doesn't want this to be a subject to be talked about. And Yui agrees. You should accept that." He answered in a monotone voice.

And Saito lost his nerves. He just punched him in the face. Toshiki went flying, but he still had that neutral face. That annoyed Saito even more.

"The truth hurts, doesn't it?" Saito knew that it was a question, but it was more like a statement.

"Are you trying to be a fucking smartass?!" Saito yelled.

"Bluntly said, yes." Toshiki deadpanned.

Just as he was trying to punch him again, a teacher walked in.

"Akiyama! It's you again!" She yelled.

"Principals office! Again!" She yelled, looking tired that she said that sentence to much to him already that it hurt her head.

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