The Field Trip

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This became a normal thing for Saito. Just going out and killing demons. At first he felt fulfilled and happy. Now, it just turned into a habit. There's nothing exciting to do about it, he just considered this a duty. A duty he owned to his sister.

"I just cannot stop awaiting this school field trip!" Mitsuki said happily.

"Field trip?" Saito asked in an unaware manner.

"Yeah, didn't you listen?" Yoko asked arrogantly.

"Uh, not really." Saito mumbled as he looked at his home made sandwich.

"Of course you fucking weren't." Yoko just rolled her eyes and sighed.

Tomorrow was a school field trip. Apparently, they're gonna stay in a flying hotel that'll go through all the parts of the shield. The young ones need to know all the bad and the good parts of the town, including the shield. The whole school was going, and they could be in the room with whoever they want to be, just as long as they're not different genders. Wouldn't want any sexual things going on... Even though there were gay people too, but that didn't matter, now did it?

"Sounds boring." Hitomi said as she leaned on her chair.

"How could this be uninteresting to you? It's a completely new experience just waiting to be lived through!" Mitsuki continued joyously.

"If I could pick what I wanted to see it would be interesting. I don't feel like listening to an old geezer explain about the shield to a bunch of kids who are barely listening." Hitomi answered.

Mitsuki frowned. How can all of them be so shallow and bored?

"I also read we'll be sight seeing where the first shield revolution was held! We shall see the hole and everything!" she continued, excited to see such historical sights.

"That's nice." Saito said in an uninterested manner.

Everyone else meanwhile didn't know what the hell she was talking about. The only one who did know was Toshiki, who didn't feel like talking. Mitsuki looked down at how everyone wasn't even as close as enthusiastic as her. The only one who would share her enthusiasm would be Yui...

"Ugh, I have to find a guy that'll be in the same room as me..." Saito said, looking very annoyed.

"I doubt there's an idiot who'll take your antisocial bullshit." Yoko stated, looking quite amused.

"The correct term is actually asocial." Mitsuki said as everyone looked at her.

"Just be with Toshiki." Hitomi said simply as she ignored Mitsuki.

Toshiki and Saito looked at each other. Toshiki had the same face as usual, so Saito didn't know if he was opposed or for the idea.

"Not a problem." Toshiki spoke up, as if he realized he should speak up.

"With who are you gonna be with?" Saito asked Hitomi.

"Eh, I'll be with some girl from third grade." She answered.

"Oh, what's her name?" he continued with the questions.

"I see you're quite curious about my life recently." Hitomi commented with a grin.

Saito only blushed and crossed his arms, looking away from her.

"Shut up! I don't care at all..." he mumbled with a high pitched voice.

He saw Yoko smirking at him, but he was glad she didn't say anything. But just in case, he came up with a couple of good comebacks involving her and Toshiki.

After school he set his alarm to 6, 6:15 and 6:30. He was very bad at getting up himself, and it was usually Yui's job to do that. He would always say five more minutes until he just fell asleep all together. He should be in school in 7, but he had to set it ten times earlier just in case.

He packed his bags, putting inside only a couple of pairs of clothing. He just told the neighbors to feed the cats. They gladly agreed, but only because they liked Yui. Since Saito was the kid that basically pulled all their flowers from their gardens a couple of nine years ago.

And he only got up at the alarm at 6:30, and he was glad he calculated that correctly. He took his bags, put on his jackets, and had a fifteen minute long goodbye session with his cats. After that, he finally left the house and came to school by foot. Tons of kids were already there.

He couldn't imagine how that flying hotel was supposed to look like. He couldn't help but smile as he thought of a giant building with huge ass wings on them.

When it did actually come, it look sorta like a zeppelin, just ten times bigger. He was severely disappointed by the uncreativeness. He thought that at least the ride would be cool, but alas. He was also happy that this meant that he will live longer, since they couldn't get him with so many people. Two days of the trip, two more days of living.

They were let inside. As he walked towards the next room that was free, Toshiki appeared out of nowhere. Saito jumped a bit, not even understanding from where the fuck he came from.

"What the fuck!?" he yelled, grabbing his chest in shock.

"Taruhako-San instructed that you will sleep to the room between her and Kimura-San." Toshiki stated in his usual uninterested voice.

"She... She managed to do that?" Saito asked, surprised that Yoko managed to organize everything without anyone complaining.

"Through force and yelling, yes." He answered.

Well, her patience was low, so of course she used force. That made a whole lot of sense.

Toshiki led them to their room, where they only left their bags. They immediately had to go outside to get the tour of the hotel. He didn't listen to it at all, he only talked to Hitomi and Yoko, who seemed as disinterested as him. Mitsuki listened to every word in amazement, especially towards the part where the tour guide explained how the zeppelin-like hotel worked and flew. She would politely ask the three of them to quiet down, but even after the hundredth time she still didn't get they won't listen to her. Toshiki wasn't listening out of interest, just in case something happened. They were let to their room, saying that they'll learn the details about the shield and the town tomorrow.

Saito tiredly went to his room with Toshiki. Today could've been more fun. As he walked in his room, his teacher came to him.

"No funny business, got it, Akiyama?"

She was a tall woman with brown hair in a bun. Of course she was in her fifties and quite overweight.

"Got it." He mumbled uninterestedly.

"You as well, Kimura!" she yelled with a raspy voice as she noticed the short girl listening on their conversation.

"Of course!" Hitomi giggled as she walked into the room, pulling inside a girl that didn't look quite excited to be in the same room as her.

"And no going outside." She said this one last demand before Saito slammed the door shut.

As if he knew that Hitomi wouldn't listen, he immediately got a text message.

'Meet with us at 12'

He smiled mischievously.

'Of course'

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