Porn Stars

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After their little fight tomorrow, Saito and Yoko barely talked to each other. But, she did sit at the desk right in front of his, so it was invertible to have at least basic communication. That little change happened when Hitomi and Saito talked a bit too much in class, which caused the teacher to put Hitomi in the first desk, where Yoko was sitting. Basically, they did a switch.

Of course, when Saito came to class, he saw a lot of Yokos drawings all over his desk and under. He got annoyed as fuck. Though, maybe he shouldn't have came to school at third period. He threw his books on the desk.

He walked over to Yoko, who was doodling on her desk.

"Do you mind keeping your shit to yourself?" He said in annoyance and kicked one of her drawings on the floor.

It got crumbled up. She got horrified. Saito didn't understand what she was so horrified with, but soon noticed. The drawing was made with ink. It didn't dry quite yet. She probably put it under the desk so it could dry but not get stomped upon.

"My fucking drawing!" She yelled angrily.

She stood up and approached him. She looked like she could cut his head off.

"You ruined my fucking drawing!" She screamed at his face.

"I-I didn't mean to!" He yelled in panic.

The last thing he needs is to be murdered in his sleep.

She eyed his books on his desk. She roughly pushed them off on the floor with her hand.

"What was that for!?" Saito yelled.

"You push my stuff, I push yours." She said seriously.

Saito glared at her. He went to her desk and pushed her books with one swift motion.

Yokos pale face went red with anger. It's so on.

"If that's how ya wanna play it!" She started kicking his books that was on the floor.

Saito mimicked her. Both of them kicked each others books with some 'witty' remarks thrown at each other, such as 'idiot', 'pussy' and 'dickeater'. The last one was made by our classy and ladylike Yoko.

"Ha! How do you like your book looking like this!?" She yelled, pointing at the book she ruined, with torn up pages and ripped covers.

"That's your book." Saito deadpanned.

"Oh." She answered a bit dumbfounded.

Saito started to laugh at the situation, and even Yoko couldn't resist to laugh. They both had a good laugh and then stared at each other for a bit. Both of them wanted to apologize about their stupid argument. I mean, who starts hating someone because they like the 'Stars Wars' prequels? Both of them looked away. There was an awkward silence.

"I accept your apology." Saito said with a small smile.

Yoko smiled back. Both of them were really bad at apologies. She was so glad that Saito didn't need to hear an apology to know she's sorry.

"I accept your apology, too." Yoko replied.

"You're not so bad, Taruhako." Saito admitted.

"You're not so bad either, Akiyama. I guess we can strongly dislike each other instead of hating."

"I'd like that."

As soon as class started, Hitomi made the whole class laugh, talking to the person who sat behind her and basically everyone she could just to keep herself entertained. That drove the teacher insane, but he can't really do anything about that, because no matter what he did she just didn't stop. She laughed, made snarky remarks and made jokes the whole class. That was a usual thing.

P.E was the next class. This was Saito's best class, being the most talented in this. He usually got full of himself, and this was the only class that he could make fun of Hitomi. She wasn't really good at P.E. He noticed she was quite fast and agile, but physical strength wasn't on her side. Probably because she's so damn skinny. As for Yui, she was quite athletic. But the things that she was actually do on that class was quite limited. She had a very rare heart disease. The only reason why she's in the same class as Saito is because she was in the hospital last year and couldn't really go to school. Of course she had to repeat the grade. Saito would have preferred if she stayed in her own class, but that's mainly because he was a jealous little twat.

And then came his favorite part of school. Lunch. Saito went to the lunch table where they usually sat.

Yui and Haru were there, laughing and making jokes. Saito cluelessly sat right next to them.

"Did you have to sit here now? I was spending precious time with Yui!" Haru said jokingly.

"Oh, shut up." Yui said immediately and crossed her arms.

"Rabbit, why do you reject me?" He started to complain dramatically.

"Rabbit?" Saito questioned.

"Doesn't she remind you of a rabbit? Her white hair is soft like fur." Haru explained while trying to touch her hair.

She smacked him angrily. But she couldn't really hide her blush and smile that she tried to cover with her other hand.

"Oh, right. I gotta remind you! Tomi-Chan is planning something for you!" Haru said enthusiastically.

"What is it now?" He asked irritabley, not even surprised that she has a surprise for him.

Is his theory of a dead corpse gonna come true? Or is she gonna sell him in the black market? Who knows...

"Well-" someone put their hands on Saitos shoulders from behind.
"I'll announce it now." Hitomi finished.

He even got used to her touching him. She let go of him and plopped down next to Haru. She hugged him tightly. Saito raised an eyebrow. So did Yui, but with a very unamused face.

"We're dating!" She exclaimed happily.

"What?" Saito questioned, feeling a bit shocked.

"What?!" Yui yelled, looking more angry than surprised.

"It's quite true, rabbit!" Haru stated with an overly big grin.

"Yes! We were hiding this from you, because we thought you wouldn't except us!" Hitomi said in a very over the top tone.

"You're quite right about that one..." Yui mumbled under her breath.

"But we couldn't lie anymore!" Haru added even more dramatically.

Saito was just surprised. He didn't even suspect this. Who know this could be her surprise?

"We are also planning to make porn together!" Hitomi said happily.

Haru was covering his mouth with his hands, as if he was trying to stop himself from laughing.

"YOU WHAT!?" Yui yelled furiously.

"Yes, Haru finally found his true calling as a porn star." Hitomi stated casually.

"That's... Cool..." Saito barely mustered, not even understanding why he was angry.

"Hm-HAHAHA!" Haru finally laughed.

"I can't... I can't keep this on..." Haru said through laughter.

"I can't believe you actually believed this for a second." Hitomi grinned.

Yui and Saito stared emotionlessly. Yui blushed hard and sat down. She crossed her arms and blushed, feeling quite embarrassed she reacted like that. Saito was still trying to figure out why he was mad in the first place.

"Prank week..." Saito mumbled in realization.

"Didn't know Yui would react like that." Haru gave a sly smile to Yui.

She just frowned and punched his hand lightly.

"I just don't like pranks, that's all..." She tried making up an excuse.

It didn't fool anyone.

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