The Carnival

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Sunday finally came. Hitomi and him went to the carnival by foot, occasionally hitting each other lightly and just plainly mocking each other. Saito was obviously doing a worse job, but he didn't want to make a bad impression. Which was weird for him. He couldn't resist not winning something. He just had to compete.

As they did come there, Hitomi felt overjoyed. She looked around it in a thrill.

"Holly shit! That rollercoaster is huge!" she said in excitement as she looked at it in awe.

"Wow. I wanna ride that." Saito was struck by it as well.

"I wanna ride each and every motherfucker here!" she screamed in energy.

She looked genuinely energetic and excited, which was nice to see. He knew she would like this. He smiled as she jumped around.

"Ooooh, this one first!" she pointed at the highest one.

Saito smirked.

"I bet you're gonna throw up." He said mockingly.

"I bet you'll piss yourself." Hitomi said as he bought the tickets.

She managed to get a discount for almost every ride. She knows a lot of people and that's pretty much the whole explanation. She stole candy as well, while Saito didn't wanna do it. He felt enough morally wrong as it was, there's no need to make him even more guilty. He didn't even wanna take some of her candy that she offered. She only rolled her eyes and called him childish.

They managed to try out every ride, including the Ferris wheel. He was surprised they even had something that old in such a modern year. He found the ride peaceful, while Hitomi was kinda bored. He didn't want her to be bored, so he just decided to have some conversation.

"You look bored." He said quietly.

"Not at all." She smiled.

"Your face says otherwise."

"Your face says that you're miserable to even be here, but I know you're having fun." Hitomi answered.

He shut up. That was true. He did have a permanent bitch face, but that didn't mean he was always grumpy. Well, most of the time he was, but not always. And there she proved again that she understood him.

As they got down they went to get something to eat and drink, since Saito forgot to do it at home. Sauto ordered a hamburger, while Hitomi ordered a hotdog, since she couldn't eat much. That would explain the skinniness.

"I have a good joke." Saito said happily.

He was really laughing his ass off. Hitomi was good at telling jokes, so he wanted to show off his joke telling skills as well.

"Did you hear the one about the haunted elevator?" he started happily.

"It really LIFTED my SPIRITS!" he started dying out of laughter as Hitomi only stared at him with a straight face.

He was choking on air, even though he felt uncomfortable. Now he's known for the guy who laughs at his own jokes.

"That was the worst pun I ever heard." She deadpanned.

"Well, let me see you do better." Saito crossed his arms with a grin.

"I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger. Then it hit me." She told the joke.

Saito tried to keep a serious face. But he couldn't hold the laughter inside. He was a sucker for puns. She started laughing with him.

"Man, I could really go for some more beer." Hitomi stated.

He shat himself. Her voice was deeper again. Normal. That only happened when she was either angry or just lost self control.

"Are you mad?" he asked, halfway timidly.

"Why would I be?" Hitomi smiled, not understanding.

Then her eyes widened a bit. She noticed what she did wrong. She let her guard down. She felt comfortable.

"Haha! I'm amazing!" she returned her voice to its usual pitch.

"That's good, I thought you got sick or something then." Saito laughed a little.

"That means you care?" she teased.

"Of course I care." He answered seriously.

His voice got lost in her head. She zoned out. She only stared blankly at the floor with that same fake smile she always had.

'Of course I care'

It rang in her head. Did she really let herself go? Did she really have fun now? Her head started to hurt from all the repeating, her stomach slowly churning and tossing by itself.

"Are you okay?" she snapped her head up to see Saito's worried face.

"Y-Yeah." She looked down again.

She felt dizzy. She wanted to go outside.

"Can I just go out for a bit? I'll be right back inside." Hitomi asked quietly.

"Are you sick?" his worried just made her feel even more sick.

"I just need some fresh air." She mumbled.

He let her outside. She stood outside, not knowing what to do. Her stomach hurt a lot. Why did it hurt? She only felt the strongest pain. Unless the symptoms were returning? Her eyes winded. They couldn't. It wasn't that time of month. Unless she felt something different?

'Of course I care'

Why did that sentence pierce her so much. Could this maybe be... guilt? Hahaha, of course not. It was only excitement. Yeah, excitement for tomorrow. She's finally going to get her long awaited revenge. But to get it she would have to kill Saito. She... She didn't want to kill him.

Her hair covered her eyes. All that was seen was her eerie wide smile. It grew wider and wider until she started giggling. That slowly turned into maniacal laughter.

"Guilt?! HAHAHAAHA! I need this revenge! I DESERVE this revenge!" she continued to laugh.

It abruptly ended as she slammed her fist into the nearest wall. Her breathing was heavy, her face serious.

"You coming inside?" Saito asked as he opened the door from the restaurant they were in.

He was facing Hitomi's back. She turned around with a sweet smile. She nodded as she skipped to him. It was amazing how easily she could go back into her role.

"Why is your hand bleeding?" Saito asked, pointing at her hand.

Shr looked at the hand. Fuck, she didn't even notice.

"Oh, I just wanted something to lean on and I scraped it. No big deal." She brushed it off.

"Are you sure?" He asked just in case.

"Of course!" he smiled the most fakest smile ever, a smile even Saito was starting to see through.

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