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Saito was pretty okay with how his day at the shop went. At least it would maybe be a little bit more successful, now that they had another working hand. As he went home though, he pretty much got into a fight again. Why? Because he was offended easily. Some drunk dudes started yelling stupid insults at him, such as 'demon boy' and 'momma's boy'. These last few days he wasn't feeling quite good, and he needed to release stress. He did it through violence of course. He was just so tired of everything and he got so into the beating that his demon self just took over. He would've stayed like that if someone he knew didn't call out. "Y... You're a demon!?" He sapped out of his demonic trance. He looked at the source of the voice and saw Miku. The only reason he recognized her was because of that specific shade of orange her hair was. Everything was still a bit dizzy and he couldn't quite recognize her voice. His hearing was oddly muffled and as he looked around he noticed things were blurry and slow. His vision couldn't clear. He looked around himself and saw blood. His eyes widened. He did it again. He looked at Miku. "Its not what you think!" he couldn't even hear his voice clearly. It was always like this after he returned to normal. He started approaching her, but she backed away. He couldn't think straight. He just knocked her the hell out. As she fell, he at least caught her. "This is the Demon Execution Force! You have the right to remain still!" He heard alarms going off. He closed his eyes shut and opened them again. This all felt like a dream. The police caught him. The thing Yui frightened the most would finally come. As he felt hopeless and the energy left his body, he started to hear more clearly. He snapped out of that trance. He had to think. Quick. He was good at quick thinking. Saito used his demon strength to jump to the wall near the house on the left of the street. He also had to carry Miku, since she was technically a witness. "He's getting away! After him!" they shoot the holly water guns at him. Saito just ran and ran until he lost them. Luckily for him, his speed was above that of a normal demon, so that's the only reason he escaped. He ran under the bridge where he was with Hitomi. First he gently layed Miku on the grass, and then threw himself on the ground from exhaustion. This was the second time he avoided death efficiently. He wondered if there was gonna be a third time. He closed his eyes. He could hear the humming of the fake river near him and the wind. Such natural noises made by fake things. It was so peaceful. Every body part of his felt sore. His eyes started to close. He fell asleep. Miku meanwhile woke up. She felt a strong pain on the back of her head. As she recalled what happened, she spotted Saito. She had a small panic attack. "What do I do? What do I do?" she repeated out loud. Her breaths were short and heavy. She had a demon right in front of her. A freaking demon. He could attack her. But then again, that was the same boy she had a crush on. The same boy who stood up for her when Hitomi purposely spilled juice on her. But then again, he did knock her out just now. But then again, again, he did lay her nicely and comfortably down on this grass. Her head was just a bundled mess now. Should she help him? She saw he had some wounds on his arm. They managed to hit him with some holly water. Miku felt sorry for him. She decided to help him. Even though she decided that, she still approached him with caution. He had such a sweet innocent face now. When she compared his sleeping face with his demonic ones she saw quite the contrast. The wounds on his left arm looked awful. They looked like burn marks, but it was slowly spreading. She knew that the wound would spread further down his body and skin. But not only would it spread on the skin, it would also go under it, destroying the tissue, organs and bones. Those were the type of wounds that you couldn't feel, but you couldn't heal either. The only solution that came to mind was to dip his arm in the river near there. That's good. She decided to do that. Miku picked up Saito like a bag, without even looking slightly bothered by it. She couldn't just throw him in the river, that seemed like a bad idea. She threw his body near the lake and took his hand. She closed her eyes and just forcefully dived it in. His eyes shot wide open as he let out blood chilling screams. He started kicking left and right, but she strongly held his entire arm in the water. She eventually couldn't hold out much longer anymore, and let go of his arm. He was too strong after all. He pulled it out immediately in panic. He turned in pain. "It fucking hurts!" he screamed. He took a look at his hand and he got horrified. It was a red color, with a part that had a pretty deep burn inside. It hurt less now. It started to bleed. Miku took off her jacket and wrapped his arm in it. Saito looked surprised, but let her do it. "I had to cleanse your arm from holly water. The wounds would just get bigger and deeper otherwise..." she explained, sounding more relaxed now. After what she just went through, nothing seemed like a big deal anymore. "Can I get this treated?" he asked, a bit afraid. "Not really. You'll be reported immediately. Only maybe illegally on the west side." Miku answered. Great, now he'll have to go get Hitomi's help. "I can arrange that though." She added. Saito eyed her weirdly. How the hell is she connected to the west side? "Ahaha, sis is.... Was... the leader of the White Walls..." she explained a bit awkwardly. He couldn't believe a timid girl like that could be involved with gangs like the White Walls. And what does she mean by was? "That would explain how you could carry me and even hold me down like it was nothing." He connected. Miku smiled bashfully and looked down at his wound. "Its bleeding hard... I'll go call sis if she can arrange anything now." She took out her phone and distanced herself so she could make a call. After a few minutes she came back brightly. "Its all organized!" she said enthusiastically. Saito didn't know how to react to taking an illegal operation, but he just smiled cause she was smiling.

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