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Saito slept in his room. So much peace and quiet. He wished he could just sleep and dream about cats singing karaoke forever.


"AH!" he fell down from the bed, immidately got up and took a combating pose.

All of that faltered when he saw Hitomi in his room.

"Shit, did I have a one night stand or something?" He put a hand on his face and started complaining.

"No, silly!" Hitomi answered enthusiastically.

"Thank goodness." He murmured and threw himself back in bed.

"Um, but I still need you awake." Hitomi walked up to the bed.

"Wake me up when I care."

"Plan B it is!" She said with a bit of sadistic pleasure hidden in that voice of innocent happiness.

She went close to his ear and he heard a loud whistle noise. He jumped back and, again, fell from his bed.

"What the fuck?!" He yelled while holding his ear.

"If you go back to bed I have plans that go all the way to Z. Each one is more extreme than the previous. So, do you wanna come back to bed?" She asked sadistically.

He glared at her and got up from the floor.

"I don't really have a choice, do I?"

"Hahaha, you actually thought you had it!" She giggled.

He noticed she was wearing sports clothes. A light blue hoodie and dark brown pants. Horribly matched, says Saito the fashion designer. This was the first time he saw her in her normal clothes, but her uniform usually wasn't really normal either. She always wore some stupid black stockings with white stripes.

"Why did you even wake me up? I don't do morning jogs." He said as he saw on his clock that it was 6:30.

It was the weekend, and he was used to sleeping till 1 PM then, even after countless tryings of Yui to get him up in 8 AM.

"We're doing team exercises!" She answered while playing with her whistle that she wore like a necklace.

"Awesome. Just what I need." Saito said tiredly.

"Will you go outside? I'm trying to change here..." He mumbled while pointing at the door.

"Shit, I thought I was gonna see a strip show." Hitomi said gleefully and went outside.

"By the way, don't touch any..." A yawn interrupted his words.

He just decided to get ready so he can get the fuck back to sleep as soon as possible. He put on the first thing he found in his closet. Black shirt, black pants. He just noticed he had a lot of black in his closet. He went down the stairs to see Hitomi and Yui chatting on the couch. He coughed so his presence was clear. Saying good morning is too polite.

"Ah, good morning Saito! This is the first time I saw you awake this early!" Yui said brightly.

"Shut up, you usually get awake later than me." He mumbled.

"Jesus, would you comb that hair, Saito? Let me!" Yui came to him and started fixing his hair.

He tried to get away, but Yui was persistent. His hair now looked like he spent two hours on them. He looked at Hitomi grumpily, but she just gave him a mocking grin.

"We're going to the park, Ito-San!" Hitomi said happily and pushed him outside his own house.

"Bye, Yui-San!"

Saito was surprised by how rushed she was. Surprisingly they spent the whole walk to the park in silence. Hitomi had a happy look on her face, but sometimes her eyes would just look around, giving the hint she was deeply thinking about something. He was seriously interested, but he didn't wanna ask her anything. He thought it would look like he was worried or something.

When they came to the park he saw two more people. Yoko was sitting at the bench, looking pretty pissed.

Next to her was a guy looking like his eyes were close to being shut closed. He had light brown slicked back hair and hazel eyes covered by glasses. He was a bit chubby as well, not nearly as Yoko though. He looked like he was gonna fall asleep and his glasses were close to falling of his nose. Saito guessed that was the guy who was their math competitor.

"Hi, Yoko-San, Koii-Chan!" Hitomi greeted, returning back to normal.

"Huh? What?" The guy, Koii-Chan, as Hitomi called him, looked like he snapped out of a trance.

"As you all know, we are here to work on our teamwork skills!" Hitomi stated happily.

"Can't wait." Yoko said sarcastically.

Her normal clothes of course consisted of stereotypical goth clothes.

"Don't be so negative! I have an amazing first exercise!" Hitomi patted Yoko's back, at which she just glared at.

What they didn't know was that by exercise, she meant actual exercise.

"Since I'm the leader-" Hitomi started.

"Since when?!" Saito protested.

"-I don't have to do anything." Hitomi finished, completely ignoring him.

"So, you'll run for fifteen minutes." She concluded with a smile.

"And what if we refuse?" Yoko asked as intimidatingly as she could.

"I have blackmail." She grinned.

Yoko didn't look bothered by it, neither did Saito.

"Saito, I have a certain little picture here..." Hitomi showed him a picture on her phone.

Saito sleeping with a pink teddy bear. He didn't even know where she got that picture, since he didn't even have a pink teddy bear. Hell, he didn't own any kind of teddy bears at all. Unless she took it before she woke him up.

"You little fucking prick!" Saito wanted to take the phone away, but Hitomi swiftly went out of the way.

"Haku-San, I have lots of love letters. You wouldn't want that to actually be delivered to T-"

"I'LL RUN!" Yoko screamed with a huge blush on her face.

"And Koiichi-Kun, I have something about you hacking-"

"I'll do whatever you want!" Koiichi squeaked.

"Glad we had this agreement." Hitomi said pleasingly and put all of her stuff in her bag.

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