Christmas Shopping

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It was a few days before Christmas. Saito was getting ready of a family tradition the Akiyamas did. They just went to the mall and baught presents right in front of each others faces. 'It wastes less money' as Satoko would say.

Yui walked down stairs wearing a jacket and a very recognizable green scarf. Saito looked at it, and instead of judging it, he looked at Yui with sympathy. Haru probably left that scarf for her, since he knew he was going to die.

"Yui, that's a freaking ugly scarf." Satoko came in the room with her signature judging face.

"I know. But I like it." Yui smiled down at it.

"Ugh, she got infected with your bad fashion sense." Satoko commented as she lightly smacked Saito against the head.

He mumbled something in annoyance.

They drew all the way to the mall. Of course he knew how this was going to work.

"HOLY SHIT! IT'S ASSASSIN'S CREED 34!" Saito yelled when he saw the game.

"No." Was the only thing that Satoko muttered when she passed by it.

Saito's face fell. He didn't get why he still gets disappointed even though that happens every year.

"Mom, can I have this?" Yui pointed at the make up kit that cost even more that a game.

That has to be the most retarded thing he ever saw.

"Why not?" Satoko smiled.

"ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS!?" Saito screamed so the whole story was staring at him in shock.

"I don't get why you always throw your hissy fit at this. It always goes like this, and it always will go like this." She concluded while she crossed her arms.

Saito got pissed. He hated Christmas. Just the shopping got him annoyed. He grunted very loudly and ran away. Yui tried to run and call after him, but you can't really catch up with a demon.

He looked around the mall and panted. He actually got tired. Saito just hated the unfairness. Why does he get this treatment? Because he was too much like his father? Bullshit.

He angrily looked around to find a seat to find. He saw a bench where he always went to mope after that happened. The only problem was that there was someone sitting there.


He would be angry, but this reminded him on how they first talked. This is the second time she took his spot. Instead of getting angry or pissed though, he smiled and decided to join her.

She had her hands behind her head and her eyes were closed. Her mouth was shaped in a huge smile of peace. That's the first time he has even seen her look so... Cute...

He wanted to slap himself for even thinking that. He walked over to her.

"How ya doing, Hitomi?" He asked as he waved.

Her eyes lazily opened as she looked at him. Her smile grew even more.

"Oh, Yama-Dono!" She exclaimed happily as she moved away to the side.

"Mind if I sit with you?" He asked pulling out his hand from his pockets.

"That's why I moved aside, silly!" She said happily as she tapped the place next to her.

He plopped down next to her and mimicked her position. It was quite comfortable. He was enjoying the peace and quiet, but something about her was off.

"How come you're so quiet?" He asked as he looked down at her.

"I just don't like Christmas." She said with a pout.

"I don't either." He said, a bit surprised someone actually agrees with him.

"That's rare." She grinned and looked at him from the corner of her eyes.

"How come you're not a fan?" Saito asked and put his chin on his palm.

"Let's just say that mom prefers one kid over the other." Hitomi answered with a cheery tone.

"Yours too, huh?" He asked, feeling a bit connected to her.

Though, her family did look weird. Her father's reaction to her in the hospital wasn't normal, nor was it alright. So she has to have it worse than him.

"Guess we both have mommy issues." She giggled.

Saito remembered the picture in her drawer. Maybe he should bring it up?

"Was that on the picture your mom and dad?" He asked as casually as he could.

"Please don't ask about my personal life. Because, you know, its personal." She said with a hint of irony in her voice.
"Your dad's reaction when you were at the hospital was not alright." Saito continued.

"Was it?" Hitomi asked innocently.

"He didn't give a shit!" Saito yelled.

"He just doesn't show it." She sighed.

Saito kept quiet and watched her. She was oddly open for a little bit. That made him a bit curious.

"How come you're not with your family? It's almost Christmas..." He asked even more.

"I don't celebrate it." She stated, looking at her watch.

"Soo, you're Jewish or something?" Saito asked dumbly.

"No. I just don't celebrate it." She concluded happily.

"Saito! We've been looking all over for you!" He heard Satoko stomp to him.

"Why? It's not like you care." He crossed his arms.

Hitomi grinned and looked at the scene going on. So she was right about the mommy issues.

"Just come with us." Satoko stated angrily and pointed to the place Yui was standing.

Saito rolled his eyes, but still obeyed. He waved to Hitomi and she waved back with a smile.

When he stood next to Yui, je was angry at her too. He didn't even know why. Probably because he was jealous of her. As Satoko passed by them Yui slid something in his hand.

He looked at the game he wanted. He looked at Yui in confusion. She winked at him.

"I'm there for you." She whispered and ran to her mom's side.

Saito smiled, satisfied on how things turned out.

"Saito! I'm gonna buy you some socks! You can even choose the color." His mother said strictly.

"I want the green ones." He said with a smile, still too happy Yui actually did that.

Satoko eyed him weirdly and continued buying presents.

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