"Study Session"

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"Where are you going?" Yui asked him as Saito was getting ready.

He styled his newly cut hair, which he finally decided to do.

"So you can call mom to pick me up again?" he snarked at her, still focused on his hair.

Yui rolled her eyes. He sure held a grudge on that one. But she was convinced she did the right thing. No way in hell was she letting her little brother drink.

"Just tell me where you're going." She demanded again.

"Ugh, why are you butting your nose again?" he snapped at her.

Saito noticed Yui chilled a bit, but in these last two months she's been really overprotective.

"I don't need to lose another person because they were doing illegal stuff." Yui looked down at the scarf she was wearing. Saito's eyes widened.

Of course, since Haru died she's been overprotective. It made sense, since she probably blames herself for that.

"That wasn't your fault. You didn't ask him to go to the west side." He assured her.

"But he went regularly there. It was only a matter of time before he got bitten while getting those stupid energy drinks for me..." Yui looked at Saito straight in the eyes, and he saw clear guilt in them.

There was an awkward silence. He wasn't good at this stuff. How could he comfort her? He stared at her for a bit uncomfortably. She should've been over this by now...

"Uh, so where are you going?" he decided to change the subject.

He noticed she had a jacket on herself and she made herself look presentable. Obviously she was going somewhere. Yui rolled her eyes on his incompetence to talk about anything emotional.

"I'm going on a study session." She stated simply.

"Oh." Was the only thing Saito said.

"Now that you know where I'm going, where are you going?" Yui tried to compromise.

"None of your damn business." He put on his jacket angrily, which was stereotypically leather.

"You lack tact. You could've at least lied." She followed him to the front door.

"And now you're encouraging me to lie?" Saito smirked as he opened the door.  "

"Only to be tactful." She smiled and went through the door that he was holding for her.

They started walking towards their destination, but it was surprisingly in the same direction. They awkwardly looked at each other and avoided talking. Where the hell was Yui going? Saito was going on a date with Mitsuki, and the organized time was 8:00 PM. As planned, they would meet in the restaurant. Not really Saito's ideal type of first date, but everything for Mitsuki.

"Umm, where exactly are you going?" Yui asked as they both walked to the front door of the same restaurant. 

"Here, apparently." Saito scratched his head uncomfortably.

"... isn't this a bit too classy for you?" Yui joked a bit.

"I wasn't expecting it to be this elegant...." He mumbled in amazement as he walked inside.

"Are you maybe on a date?" the white haired girl grinned at her little brother.

Maybe he finally found a girlfriend? Thank goodness.

"I-I guess..." he said shyly and blushed hard.

Yui laughed at him a little. He's such a cutie pie. Saito glared at her for a bit. He's being too weak. Time for snark offs.

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