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After the discovery of Hitomi's cheating, which didn't surprise Saito at all, the teacher went on the stage to clear things up.

"Is this true, Kimura-San?" The teacher asked calmly.

"I would never!" Hitomi said defensively.

"How about you sing without the mic then?" Thoma argued from the seats.

Hitomi started singing. It was the most horrific thing they ever heard in their life. The public shut their ears, trying their best not to hear anything.

"Okay, okay! Kimura-San, you can stop! Please!" The teacher begged she stopped.

"Haha, so it's pretty clear that Shiruki needs to be disqualified." Thoma was heard again.

"Hold on right there, buddy!" Hitomi yelled back at him.

"Ryoko's art competitor is Thoma's half cousin who is a professional artist." Hitomi stated with a grin.

A very happy 'HA' was heard from Yoko. Thoma looked a bit surprised, but just continued to glare.

"No wonder I didn't recognize the student." Some teacher from the judging table mumbled.

"Judging Ryoko's high functional teachers," Hitomi pointed and the teacher who couldn't even recognize that the student didn't even go to their freaking school, "Ryoko needs to be disqualified as well." She argued.

"How about we just continue the competition? Ryoko and Shiruki loose one point and the team that wins the group competition wins? It makes no difference anyways." Koiichi asked, trying to be reasonable.

"Good idea, Okazaki-San." The teacher complicated.

Koiichi gave a satisfactory smile and fixed his glasses.

"The team competition will be learning."

Saito's smile fell. Damn, he was never good at that. Hitomi didn't seem fazed and Yoko just looked pissed. Koiichi just nodded.

"Here are four books. It'll be a quiz game. Who gets the most points wins. You have two hours." The teacher gave each of them four copies of the same book.

They went backstage. Hitomi already started planning.

"Saito, learn page 1 to 50, Yoko, learn from page 51 to 100, Koiichi, page 101 to 150. I'll do everything else." Hitomi ordered, pointing at every chapter at need.

Saito was feeling pretty grumpy. He was having lots of fun until now. He never liked studying or anything to do with school. Maybe gym if he was feeling like it.

"K-Kimura-San..." A very timid looking girl came by.

The girl had odd orange hair she kept in two buns, her bangs went sideways. She was pretty short, not nearly as Hitomi, and pale. She was wearing a Ryoko school unifrom.

Before Hitomi could say anything, the girl started abruptly apologizing.

"I'm so sorry I ratted you out! They caught me singing back stage! I-I couldn't do anything! I'm so sorry!" She fumbled.

Hitomi opened her water bottle which she pulled out of her bag recently. Hitomi didn't look mad at all.

"Eh, it's alright. It's not like you could do anything, Miku-Chan." Hitomi smiled kindly.

"T-Thank you, Kimura-San!" Miku bowed timidly.

"No problem!" Hitomi started walking towards her, but she tripped awkwardly.

The water bottle spilled, right on poor Miku. Her eyes watered. Saito had a feeling it wasn't an accident.

"God, are you okay?!" Hitomi asked, looking worried.

"Y-yeah... I'm fine..." The poor girl started crying and ran away.

Hitomi shrugged and turned around to her team.

"What the fuck?!" Yoko protested before Saito could.

"What?" Hitomi asked innocently.

"That was obviously on purpose." Saito added angrily.

"Does every one of you have to make me a bad guy?" Hitomi mumbled in an annoyed manner.
"That's because you obviously are! Fuck, I'll go talk to her!" Yoko ran away, trying to find Miku.

"Even when I don't do anything, I'm still doing something bad." The short girl mumbled, more to herself than anyone.

"That guy from Ryoko said there's a reason why everyone's scared of you." Saito argued.

"Oh, so you're taking the side of a guy you just saw?" Hitomi said enthusiastically, still looking like she can't change the tone of her voice.

"It's not like I know you very well either." He argued back.

"I bet Koiichi doesn't think like that, do you, Koii-chan?" She asked sweetly.

Saito gave Koiichi a death glare. He didn't know on whose side he should go. Saito would beat him up and Hitomi would probably just post everything he did online.

"You're wonderful, Hitomi-San!" Koiichi said hopefully.

Saito continued to glare, but eventually looked at Hitomi.

"You do understand you're being a bully to everyone?" Saito asked, trying to be calm.

"And you beating up every guy that makes you angry isn't?" Hitomi grinned mockingly.

"That... That isn't the same thing!" He knew she was right, but god forbid if he actually admitted that.

"It isn't? Please explain." Her grin became wider and more toothy by the second.

"I... I don't have to justify what I do to you!" He yelled offensively.

Of course, he started leaving.

"That's right! Run away from everything like you always do!" Hitomi happily yelled while he slammed the door close.

Hitomi started laughing in satisfaction while Koiichi just looked at her in a creeped out manner.

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