Act Normal

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Hitomi was returning from school. Her clothes were ripped from all the fighting she had with other kids. That would usually get her to the principals office. Today she managed to get away with it. She also got away with stealing Ayumu's gym clothes. Eh, its her fault for not taking care of them properly. And besides, someone will borrow her clothes.

Hitomi disliked her dressing quite a bit. Pinks, blues and greens. Lots of skirts and blouses. One of the main difference between the twins, except personality, was their clothing style. Ayumu was more girly and cute, while Hitomi wore pants, T-shirts and kept her hair in a ponytail. Now she looked exactly like her sister, and it made her feel weird.

Their personalities were quite different as well. While Hitomi was loud, impulsive and energetic, Ayumu was quiet, level headed and calm. The two of them were quite easy to distinguish even by their talking style. Hiromi's loud, booming and cold voice was quite the contrast to Ayumu's sweet, polite and quiet tone.

As she entered the house, her mother didn't call her, but Ayumu.

"Ayumu, can I get a talk with you?" Her mother came, not even recognizing Hitomi.

Hitomi smiled a sweet smile.

"Of course." She mimicked her sisters' weak voice perfectly, it was chilling.

Naomi sat down on the stairs, and so did Hitomi.

"I'm really scared." Naomi said looking down.

"Of Hitomi? Or of dad?" she inquired.

"Hitomi... I really don't know how to bare with that child anymore. She always ruins everything..." and tears started falling.

Hitomi gave a sympathetic look, even though she really didn't understand what was the problem with this.

"Her father blames me! And the worst part is that it is my own fault! I can't even raise a child properly!" she started to scream.

Hitomi hugged her, still mimicking Ayumu's actions. She was curious of how this would go on.

"And what kind of mother... Hates her own child!?" she said out of breath.

Hitomi smiled an eerie smile. She knew it was true. What was wrong with that woman? She thought mothers were supposed to love their daughters. Why was Hitomi any different? Her own mother doesn't love her. She wanted to start laughing right there and now, but she couldn't. She had to bare a bit longer.

"Why am I such an awful mother!? Why can't she just calm down!? Why can't she act normal?!" she screamed, pulling a bit of her hair out in the process.

Act normal... She couldn't resist not laughing anymore.

"Of course! That's the solution! ACT normal! Not BE normal! Hahahaaha!" Hitomi laughed that psychopathic laugh.

Naomi's eyes widened. This was Hitomi she was talking to. Chills went down her spine. That laughter was so unnatural from her mouth. So unfitting and terrifying.

"Nobody is completely themselves! Everyone pretends! You're right, mom! Why should I be myself in a world of liars!?" her blood chilling laughter spread through the room.

A few months after that, something shocking happened. Oshiro's father ended up in the hospital, not knowing if he'll live or not. He got into a mysterious car accident. The breaks were gone, and nobody knows who exactly did it. That was exactly what Naomi needed, more drama in her already horrible life. More tragedies to ruin her already far too much damaged psyche.

"Is grandpa going to be okay?" Hitomi asked out of pure curiosity.

A plate flew right next to the wall, barely missing her face. She stared in shock. She wasn't expecting that kind of outburst.

"Shut up! You don't even care!" Naomi yelled, having enough of all of this.

Hitomi just ran to the bathroom, not knowing what else to do. She locked the door and sat on the floor. Her mother was pissed, so it would be better to stay here. She looked at her face in the mirror. So expressionless, so emotionless. But she couldn't understand why everyone was in such a panic. Why did they even feel sorry for a man they barely saw? Her grandpa never visited, and they maybe saw him four times a year. So what was the point in crying? If he dies, there's no point in crying either. Death happens to everyone. It's a part of life.

But why did she get treated like something that should be hit with a plate just because she didn't care for that person? So much for be yourself. But then she remembered something. Its mandatory to pretend. Its mandatory to 'act normal'. She laughed as she looked at the mirror. She should start acting like one. They're crying, in order to fit in, she should too. But how will she make herself cry? The only time she cried was when she got badly hurt.

So she figured it out. She poked her eye with her finger. It hurt so much, it was red and teary. As that tear slid down, she laughed even more.

"Hahaha! I'm doing it! I'm crying!" she couldn't stop feeling excited.

This was easier than expected, it hurt, but it was exciting.

Naomi opened the door. So the lock doesn't work anymore? She was shocked to see her daughter crying. She hugged her tightly. She wanted to apologize for such an outburst.

"I'm so sorry! I never should have even assumed that you didn't care!" her mother let out tears as well.

Was her daughter finally normal? Was she finally trying to change herself?

She saw how easy it was to fit in. She just had to mirror them. Mirror people, their actions, their beliefs. And that's how she got through with life, getting everything she wanted and more. The kids would do her bidding, since their minds were so easily manipulated. Now she could get their trust too, now it wasn't all just physical games. The mind games got interesting to play, far more than physical could ever be. The human mind was a weak little thing, after all.

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