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General POV

"Today we put to rest the great soul of a lovely human being. He will be dearly missed and loved eternally." The priest said as he looked at everyone in the church.

Sniffles and tears were heard from everyone in the church to people of his family, to his loved partner, to his kids, to the kids he helped out, to the strangers whom knew him but never got to meet him. He did some very good deeds with people and that's why everyone who could make it -which was a lot of people- made it to his funeral. Flowers upon flowers were scattered over his coffin and the picture next to him made him look great. It. Was picture on of his friends took at his college graduation. He had a nice buzz cut and a smile that lights up the room. The crinkles by his eyes just made everything better because they all knew it was genuine smile.

"Liam James Payne, we wish the best in the after life and pray that you watch over us and lead us to the right path." The priest finished up.

Since Liam was a war hero and a veteran, he was given a very nice burial. There were men in the nice Army suits with the badges and whatnot carrying his casket down the isle and towards the hearse that awaited him outside. Louis and Harry both sat in the front of the church, Louis in his wheel chair and Harry sat right next to him holding his hand in comfort. Louis couldn't believe that his friend of so many years was gone.


He couldn't get him back. He couldn't just visit him in the hospital because he was hurt. He couldn't just visit him in his house because he was brought home. He had to now visit him at a grave sight because he was now -and has been for a week- pronounced dead. Liam's wife Robin was sitting right next to Harry with their two year old son Luca. She was sobbing up a storm and was holding on for dear life to Harry's other hand. Harry always put others problems first and worried about himself in the confines of his own personal space. But right now he could barely keep himself together. Louis sat on his side of Harry and let the tears fall softly.

"You okay Lou?" Harry asks as he grabs Louis hand.

Louis simply nods and keeps his gaze on the casket that holds his friend. He didn't know how to feel and he was tired of people asking if he was okay. He just wanted people to leave him alone and let him grieve in peace, but everyone wants to ask the same stupid question about h being okay. No he wasn't okay, and people needed to respect that and leave him alone. The service kept going, people speaking and giving their respects before it was finally Louis turn to go up and saw what he had to say.

"And now,the best friend of the deceased would like to say a few words." The priest said as he motioned over to Louis.

Harry stood up and buttoned the one button on his suit jacket before going behind Louis and pushing him to the front of the church, letting everyone look at him with pity glances. Harry squeezed his shoulder and went to sit down, but Louis grabbed a hold of his hand before he could walk away. The look on Louis face was a look that told Harry not to leave him up there by himself or he might loose it. Louis took a deep breath and slowly let it out before opening his mouth and speaking those dreaded words he never thought that he would speak anytime soon.

"L-Liam James Payne." He softly speaks as he looks down at his lap as he fiddles with the rings on Harry's fingers.

He looked over at the coffin and placed his hand on it. It was like touching the coffin was a trigger because as soon as he touched it, he broke down in painfully loud sobs. His body shook and he eyes burned as he cried. He tried to stop his tears and as he did, he didn't bother to wipe them away.

"He was a lovely person. He was um- he was nice to everyone and he put others first." Taking another deep breath, he looked at the faces in the audience look at him with pity and he didn't like that. "He knew how to make others feel better even if he was having a terrible day and he-" Louis choked, a large knot clogging his throat making it hard for him to talk.

Gone but never forgotten ll Larry Stylinson || #WATTYS2016Where stories live. Discover now