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Louis ll 4

Computers, guns, masks, clothes, bombs, anything you name it. The building was filled with anything and everything. You look around and you find food, drinks, games, books, entertainment, anything but a person. I held Michaels hand as we slowly walked towards the first computer we see, and see that there are GPS coordinates on it that hang directly over base.

"What's all this?" Michael asks.

"Its basic things to keep one alive for long periods of time." I simply say, looking at the young boy while checking out everything else.

We walk over towards a wall seeing as there was one thing on it. It was the only empty wall in this place, so I press a hand to it and immediately pull it away from the heat radiating from it. I furrow my eyes brows in confusion, not knowing what was going on behind the wall. I took a deep breath and pressed my hand against it again, biting my lip from yelling out in pain and leaned towards it, putting all my body weight on to it.

"Don't move a muscle." A rough deep voice spoke from behind me.

I froze, my finger tensing on the trigger of the gun. My eyes move back and forth trying to find Michael, but seeing as I let his hand go to touch the hot ass wall, I had no clue as to where he went. I licked my lips and slowly turned my head so my nose was now met to the barrel of a gun. I didn't know what to do. Usually I would shoot this bastard from a distance, but since he's so damn close, I couldn't do a damn thing.

"Who are you, and what are you doing here?" He asks through gritted teeth.

I didn't know how to respond to the ending question, but the first question I knew the answer to. Now that I was facing him, I saw another guy standing behind him with Michael in his grasp, a gun pointed to his head. I don't know what happened, but as I saw Michael with the gun to his head, him resembling Harry a little too much for my liking, I lost it. I gritted my teeth and quickly shoved his gun from my face, pointing it upwards and elbowing him in the face. Turning around myself, I slid my foot into his ankle, making him fall to the ground, and I pointed my gun to his face.
"Let the boy go, or I kill all of you." I threaten as I pull on the trigger ever so slightly.

The young man chuckles. I just elbowed you in the face resulting in your bloody ass nose, and I just tripped the shit out of you and you think this is funny? Is this guy serious?

"Don't try me." I shouted.

I lined my aim up, making sure I am right between his eyes and then I quickly glance over at Michael, but that's gives bird brains enough time to move, and kick my gun out of my hands. I stumble back a little, not prepared for that, and be charged towards me, jumping on me and knocking us both to the ground. I saw stars in my vision- which I tried to keep clear- making me groan in pain as I felt his fist hit the side of my face.

"Stop it you're hurting him!" Michael yelled.

"Shut him up!" The guy yelled on top of me, punching me in the face once again.

I groaned as my eyes started to flutter shut, the last thing I saw was Michael getting dragged somewhere, knocked out cold.


So the party was a bust. I wasn't feeling any better after I left, but possibly even worse than when I got there. After Niall had passed out, everyone had torn up his house and left, I being the only sober one. When I say only sober one, I mean it. I sighed, looking at m phone knowing that there aren't any texts there from the one person I want to talk to, so, I cleaned up his place, not leaving until about five am, crashing in my bed and clutching my right hand to my heart. Right hand is the hand that has the ring on it. Pulling the covers up to my chin, I kiss my right hand goodnight hoping that Louis is having an easier time than I am.


Hello there earthlings!

Here is another chapter and I hope you like it!

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Thanks guys and stay beautiful!!

Gone but never forgotten ll Larry Stylinson || #WATTYS2016Where stories live. Discover now