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The picture has nothing to do with the chapter.



The tension in this room could be cut with a fucking knife, but I have nothing to do with the growing tension. I only have something to do with the fact that Harry will become mine and I know that for a fact. I was sitting on the couch right next to Louis and some weirdo kid sitting across from me staring me down. Louis hasn't said a word since I got here and I think that is very rude.

"So, Louis? How is life treating you?" I ask as I lean back onto the couch, my hand hovering over my pocket.

His eyes open from the resting position he had them in and looked over at me. He cleared his throat and sat up just a little before answering me.

"Life is treating me just fine Niall." He says through gritted teeth.

I nod my head to his response and go over the plan in my head. This might just go a little faster than planned and that plays in my favor, not Louis. My pocket had something special in it and I had to make sure I do this right. If I don't, Harry is gonna hate me. I slide my hand in my pocket and slowly pull out the object that is hidden there, getting ready to use it when Harry comes out of the kitchen.

"Niall can you do me a favor? I need to run to the shops and pick up some food and I'm taking Mikey with me. So can you take Louis upstairs and give him his medicine? Its a little red pill and a glass of water. After that, I need you to put him to bed. I will gone for about an hour at most. I trust you with this." Harry asks as he slides on his jacket and shoes.

I nod my head and force myself to smile as genuinely as I can, instead of the smirk I want to put on my face. I tap Louis shoulder in a friendly gesture but apparently too hard for him as he let's out a grunt. I refrain from rolling my eyes and smiled as Harry and Mikey make their way out of the house. Its actually really freaky how much Mikey looks like my Harry, but I won't have to worry about that for long. As soon as the both of them left with the door closed behind them, I immediately grabbed Louis by his wrist and dragged him off the couch.

"What the fuck?!" He shrieked.

"Shut the fuck up! I didn't ask you to speak!" I snapped as I dragged him over to the stairs.

Putting my hands under his armpits, I dragged him up the stairs not really caring what hurts. After I finally got him upstairs, I shoved him away from me in the bathroom and grabbed a bottle of pills, not really caring what they are and shoving four or five down his throat. Throwing water in his face, he better try and drink some of it.

"Now listen here and listen good dammit. Harry is mine and no one else's. He is only with you because he pities you and wants you to feel loved. You're in the Armed Forces for christ's sake, he knows at some point your going to die whether it be by grenade, or it be from natural causes. Although this won't be so natural, but you'll be dead nonetheless. And telling your friends and the cops won't help you none, because I am so damn friendly, they would never suspect me." I pause grabbing him and dragging him to his room and throwing him on the bed and covering him with covers.

Putting my hands on my waist, I pace across the room and take a deep breath. Stopping and putting my hand on chin and scratching the bottom of it before continuing.

"You know? Louis you're not that bad of a person and neither am I. You're making me do these things that I don't want to do. So, let's just do it this way." I smirk walking over to Louis and grasping his left hand, examining it.

Slowly but surely, I decide to take off his ring and place it on my finger smiling widely.

"Harry Horan? Niall Styles?" I ask myself.

"He will never be yours. He is and will always be mine." Louis snaps with slurred words as the random pills I gave him started to kick in.

"No one asked you bird brains." I say as I roll my eyes and place a glass of water by his bed.

So this had nothing to do with my plan but hey, this is better than nothing. It actually helps my plan not get as gruesome and messy as it was going to be. I smiled at this and sat on the edge of the bed and patted Louis leg. I leaned over with a sinister smirk and whispered in his ear.

"Soon, there will be no more Louis Tomlinson."


"So we got the pasta, the sauce, the veggies and the bread right?" I asked Mikey as I stopped in the middle of the isle.

"Right. Now all we need is the meat, wine and a dessert." Mikey smiled as he check off everything on the list.

"Alright. How about you go get some cocoa powder, some chocolate chips, marshmallows, evaporated milk and whipped cream then meet me in the front?" I said as I checked off things from the top of my head. "Oh yeah, some fudge as well."

He was about to walk away when my phone rang. I slowly pulled my phone out of my pocket and looked at the caller ID. It was Niall. I furrowed my eyebrows and answered the call, leaning on the buggy.

"What's up Niall?" I asked as I thought about the worst.

"Harry. You need to get home now."

"Why what's wrong?"

"It's Louis. I left him in the bathroom to go use the one downstairs and when I came back up, he was in the bed and he isn't responding to anything. Something is wrong." He rushes out as he sounds like he's about to cry.

"What?" I asked, not wanted to believe what Niall is telling me.

"I don't know how he got to the bed but he made it there. I don't know what he took, but I know it was too much. He isn't responding to anything I do, he isn't moving, I don't even think he's breathing."

"I will be home soon. Call the emergency number and ask for an ambulance." Is all I say before hanging up and going to the front with Mikey behind me.

"Hey Chad, can you watch this cart for me until I get back? Something is wrong with Lou and I need to figure it out." I ask an old friend of mine up front.

"Sure thing Haz." He smiles. "Hope Louis feels better."

I nod to him and quickly run to my car with Mikey on my heels. Getting in the car and turning it on, I pray the whole way back to the house that my baby is okay.


"Mission Accomplished." I evilly smile as I sit on the edge of the bed and pat Louis leg.


Omg okay please don't hurt me. I know Niall has lost his fucking mind, but bare with me please!!

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I am only going to do this once and never again:

5 votes and 10 comments for an early update!

This is the only time I am doing this.

Enjoy the chapter and prepare for the next one.

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