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So about that picture though?


The consistent sound of beeping and dripping caught my attention as I was waking up but not fully there yet. I groan softly to myself, not really knowing how to handle the situation at hand except the fact that I am in a hospital of some sorts. My side hurts and when I tried to move my hands up to my face, I hurt myself.

"What the fuck?" I rasped.

A gasp caught my attention. I opened my eyes and blinked a few times trying to get used to the light. I looked to my left and saw a young boy sitting in a chair looking at me with wide eyes. I didn't know who this child was or how he got here or knows me, but he has a freaky resemblance to my husband and it's weird.

"What happened?" I asked him as I slowly sat up.

"We were saving a pregnant women from some fallen rubble when an enemy threw a grenade and blew you ten feet in the air. You survived -obviously- but broke your wrist and fractured your knee." he spoke as he pointed out my injuries.

"Who are you?" I asked.

It's like that one question messed up his whole life. He was tense and frozen and he looked a little upset by my question. I looked at him and saw a single tear fall down his face, him quickly wiping it away. But it was too late. I already saw it.

"I'm Michael. The boy you saved almost a month and a half ago. You kept me and took care of me, letting me go out on missions with you and having your back." he whispered as more tears fell down his face.

I thought back hard, trying to find the memories of saving a child and keeping him with me. Something hazy and slowly began to make its way into my mind and when I thought I was beginning to see it clearly, the doctor burst into the room with an enthusiastic smile on his face.

"Good afternoon Mr. Tomlinson. How are you fee-"

"Stylinson. The name is Stylinson, and please call me Louis."

"Alright Louis, how are you feeling?" he asked as he placed the clipboard under his arm and grasped my hand, making sure the needle is still in tact.

"I was just blown ten feet in the air yesterday, how do you think I feel?" I snapped.

"Yesterday? Oh no son. You have been in this bed for the last two weeks with slight brain damage."

"Two weeks? Hold the fucking phone. I have been in this hospital for two damn weeks and no one has called my husband to tell him where I am?" I asked frantically.

"Mr Stylinson has been here to visit you. If fact, he has been here everyday since you were admitted." he says as he checks my bandages.

I froze. How the hell was that possible? I'm on the other side of the fucking world, how the hell could he be visiting me? Everyday at that. The doctor looked at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"Do you know where you are Louis?" the doctor asks with a concerned look on his face.

I looked around to see if I could find anything that gave me a clue. But everywhere I looked, nothing seemed to make sense.


"You're in Doncaster."

Harry [two weeks prior]

I had a gut feeling that something was wrong. I told Niall that I thought something was wrong, but he told me that it's fine. I just couldn't shake the feeling of something being wrong with my baby, I just can't. If my baby dies I don't know what I would do. I just don't know.

"Harry, you have to calm down." Niall speaks as he hands Theo over to his parents.

"Thank you for watching him Niall. I really appreciate it." Greg spoke.

"No problem Greg."

After the goodbyes and the see you later's, the door to Niall's place was closed and he turned to look at me. I was a mess to say the least. My hands tugging my hair every ten minutes, my eyes wildly looking around, my legs shaking nervously as I thought about everything that could go wrong over there, I was just loosing it. Niall came over to the couch and placed a hand on my shoulder, the other on my chin making me look at him. He was biting his lip while looking between both my eyes, watching my every move.

"He's fine Harry. You gotta let him do his job, you gotta stay calm for him." Niall spoke as his thumb caressed my jaw.

My tense body slowly -very slowly- began to calm down and relax into Niall's hold. I found myself slowly curling into his body, pulling my legs and knees up to my chest and holding them as tight as I could. I looked up at Niall, feeling vulnerable and lost, not knowing if my baby was coming home or not. I wanted attention. I wanted and craved to be touched. I wanted and craved and desperately needed love.

I looked up at Niall, closing my eyes and slowly placing a kiss to his neck. Next his chin, cheeks, and finally, his lips. I felt him tense underneath me, I felt him freeze underneath me as I straddled his lap and kissed him as deeply as I could, trying to feel some sort of spark, or loving. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to his body as I wrapped mine around his neck, grinding into him and moaning out in pleasure.

"Niall?" I softly spoke against his lips.

"Yeah?" he whispered out in a rushed breath.

I grinded against him once again, making a slur of moans pour from his mouth. I kissed down his neck and left a small love bite at the base of his neck, slowly trailing up until I got to his ear, nibbling on it a little before hotly breathing out,

"Make me feel loved."

Harry you bastard. You have a husband on the other side of the planet risking his life for you, and you go and get freaky with Niall? Shame on you.

Anyway. I hope I didn't disappoint.

The next chapter is just going to be a continuation of this chapter, so I hope you like it.

Thank you and enjoy!

Gone but never forgotten ll Larry Stylinson || #WATTYS2016Where stories live. Discover now