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I drove as quickly as I could to where Louis was, very excited to see him. I know he's only been gone for barely a few months, but it has been the longest few weeks of my life. I was sitting in some kind of traffic jam, cars upon cars stopped for miles and I don't understand what the problem is. I groan and tap on the steering wheel in an annoyed manner.

"Come on." I say to myself as I try to magically move traffic myself.

Horns honked and people yelled out their windows trying to get traffic to move faster and faster, but to no avail did it help. I groaned, sitting in the far right lane, waiting for my exit to appear. It was right there, I could see it down the road, but with traffic stopped like this, I couldn't get to it. I leaned down and placed my head to the steering wheel, preparing myself to stay calm. I was getting worked up because I couldn't get to him on time, and visiting hours are over soon.

"Dammit!" I cursed loudly to myself.

I looked to my right and saw that the emergency shoulder was over there and my exit was at the end of it. I smirked and took my car out of park and slowly drove myself from between the cars and quickly drove down the shoulder, onto the exit of the highway. I was finally moving and on my way to see my baby boy.


Fuck my life.

What the hell did I do to deserve this? There is an accident on the street of the hospital and they are still waiting for an ambulance. How long does it take an ambulance to arrive from the hospital five minutes away? I don't get it, but I know I'm getting really agitated right now. There is a group of houses to my left, and to my right. So I finally get fed up enough that I pull into one of their driveways and put my car in park. Making my way up to the door, I rang the doorbell waiting for someone to answer.

"Hello?" a voice calls as they open the door.

"Hello sir. I am so sorry to bother you right now, but I was just wondering if you could do me a very big favor?" I pleaded as I looked out towards the accident and ran my hands through my hair and back to him.

"What would that be?" he asks skeptically through the screen door.

"I will pay you one hundred pounds to watch my car for three hours." I quickly say as I pull out my wallet.

"What are you rushing to son that you would pay me such money?"

"I'm going to the hospital to see my husband. He was brought back from war with some kind of injuries that I'm not quite sure of myself the only way to make sure the he is properly taken care of is if I'm there. I just got out of traffic on the high way, there is an accident right here, I don't know if he is dying or if he is okay. I just need to go see him and everything is fighting against me today, I just really don't want to loose him. I love him too damn much to lo-"

"Son, calm down." he says as he stops my rambling.
I hadn't even noticed that I was getting worked up. I was just trying to get him to let me leave my car in his driveway.

"Honey. Who's at the door?" another masculine voice asked.

"A young lad trying to bribe me to let him leave his car in my driveway so he can go see his husband in the hospital that was brought back from war." he speaks as he looks behind him.

"So sweet." the other voice said.

A man came into view, but what shocked me was that he was in a wheelchair. He smiled up at me and waved a little.

"Hello there. I'm Brett." he speaks.

"Harry." I say as I drag my hand through my hair again, looking back at the accident to see no progress whatsoever.

Gone but never forgotten ll Larry Stylinson || #WATTYS2016Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz