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It's been a week and Louis still hasn't woken up and I am glad of that. This has given me more time to work my magic on Harry and try to get him to be with me is getting easier. I sat on the couch with Harry's head in my lap while his eyes were closed. I ran my fingers through his hair and hummed softly, trying to keep him sleep for as long as possible. He needs his rest after this very tiring week. He couldn't sit still when they finally brought Louis in the hospital and took him into surgery.

"Someone tell me what is happening with my husband?!" Harry yells as he tries to shove past the nurses.

"Sir, I'm going to need you to calm down before we ask you to leave the building." The nurse speaks.

"But I need to know if my husband is okay or not." Harry says as he runs his hand through his hair.

"Tell me your husbands name. I'll look to see where he is." She says as she walks over to the nurses station.

"His name is....his name is Louis Tomlin- Stylinson. Louis Stylinson." He says as he run his hand through his hair for the millionth time tonight.

She sighs and types on the computer, putting his name in trying to find where he is. She bit her lip and then popped her gum loudly causing him to roll his eyes in frustration and annoyance.

"Can you look a little faster please?" I snap.

"Harry, calm down love." I spoke to him as I walked closer to him.

"I can't calm down knowing something is going on with Louis that I don't know about. I need to know." He says as he paces over to the wall and sliding down it.

Gone but never forgotten ll Larry Stylinson || #WATTYS2016Where stories live. Discover now