200 10 12

Louis ll 6

"Oh baby. Are you okay?" Harry asked me through the phone.

"Yes honey, I'm fine." I smiled on the other end.

I had finally made my way back to the base, taking Michael with me. He had tears dried up on his face, and his kip was trembling when we got back. Everyone was questioning me on who he was, but I asked them nicely to leave it until morning. As soon as I tucked Michael in, I grabbed the phone and called Harry as fast as I could. I smile when I heard him pick up the phone.

"I was so worried. I thought you were dead or something." Harry spoke through the other end of the phone.

"I'm perfectly fine baby." I sigh as I run my hand through my hair.

"You sure? Because if you aren't I can send them something that says you are majorly sick and you can come home. If you aren't okay just tell me so we can get you home right away." He rambles on.

"Honey bunches of oats, I swear I am fine. Besides I have a reminder of you right next to me." I smile.

"What would that be?"

"I found this little boy who was stuck in the rubble of an abandoned building. So I took him with me and he is now asleep beside me." I smile even bigger running my hand through his hair.

"What does that have to do with me" he asks.

"I'll send you a photo then you tell me. Anyways, it's getting late there ad I know its tie for you to possibly get up and do something productive, so I hall let you get your last five minutes in." I say as I tug my boots off.

"Okay hurtful, and I shall get my beauty sleep. I gotta sty beautiful for my love." I boast as I rub my hand across the growing stubble on my face.

"Yeah okay. Next time can you, I dont know, could you possibly Skype me next time? You know so I can see your face, because when I see it, I feel better."

"Of course babe. I can Skype you, and I will. So hang tight until the next time we talk okay?" I speak. "Alright love, goodbye."

"Louis, what did we say about the goodbyes?" Harry spoke sternly.

"Never say goodbye, because goodbye means going away, and going away means forgetting." I spoke softly.

"That's right, and you promised me you wouldn't forget. So you better not. That's why we say?" Harry speaks to encourage me to tell him.

"See you later."

"There you go. That feels better doesn't it?"


I was about to say it again, but a whimper came from Michael, making me look over at him. His eyes were moving quickly behind his eyelids and he was starting to sweat. He was moving a little, getting rougher ever second. His whimpers slowly began to form words making me question what he was saying.

"No, daddy no." He whimpered over and over again.

"What's that?" Harry asks.

I sigh as I run my fingers through Michaels hair trying to calm him down. Which was strangely working.

"That's just Michael." I say simply forgetting that I didn't tell Harry the child's name.

"You're cheating on me?"

"No Harry, Michael is the child I saved. The on that reminds me of you."

"Oh. I knew that."

"Sure you did. Go to sleep babe, you're delusional." I chuckle. "I love you an see you soon."

"I love you too baby."

"Why do you insist on calling me baby?"

"Because your smol, see yah." Harry speaks hanging up.

I had to think about what he said. Did he just- I know he didn't just..oh Harry you are something else. But for real did he just- no he couldn't have he knows better. I pull the phone from my face and place it on the table, grabbing me gun and sitting it next to the be with the safety on. My mind just clicked what he said, and I just dealt with it.

"I'm not smol."


I chuckled to myself as I put my phone on the table with a picture of Louis on the front. My lock screen was a picture of me and Louis together. I loved everything about this picture, and he know it. I finally got to talk to my smol baby, and I am happy about it.

"Irish fake blonde come here!" I yelled into the kitchen .

"Oi, that's rude." He speaks as he walks into the living room with a bag of cookies open and his hand elbow deep in it.

"I got to talk to the love of my life today!"

"I thought you talked to yourself everyday?" Niall speaks rolling his eyes and plopping down on the couch.

"No, not myself. I talked to Louis today. He okay and not dead."

"Well I would hope so, unless you were talking to a dead person."

"Shut up smart ass." I say, thumping him in his forehead.

"Will you stop abusing me? I bruise like a damn peach Harold."

"Call me Harold again, that won't be the only bruise you get." I threaten.

"Calm down Harry, it ain't that deep. No need to put some attitude in it." Niall speaks as he smirks and shoves another four cookies into his mouth at once.

I rolled my eyes and walked away to war our bedroom and hopping in the shower. Niall is too much for me, and I can't handle him. I'm going to wash away his naughtyness and come out smelling like peaches and aftershave. Or in this case:


Okay here is the thing. Smol is correcting itself. I've typed smol like that so much my spell check on my phone even thinks that's how its spelled. So yeah!

So comment, comment, comment.

Thanks loves, and stay beautiful!!

Gone but never forgotten ll Larry Stylinson || #WATTYS2016Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя