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Niall had picked me up and since carried me to the bedroom, all the while kissing down my neck. I was feeling so many things right now, but lust and want was one of them. I bit my lip as Niall laid me down on the bed, crawling over me and straddling my waist. I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him down to me, placing my lips on his and thrusting my hips upwards to meet his own.

"Mmm, fuck." I softly moaned as he pulled away and kissed down my neck once again, leaving a love bite in his place.

"Niall please, oh god please." I speak as I feel myself getting hot and flustered in my pants, slowly getting angry at their constriction.

"What do you want Haz? Tell Niall what you want." he breathes against my ear.

I finally open my eyes, my back arched lightly as I look into his oceanic blues and bit my lip.

"I want you." I speak as I thrust my hips upwards once again.

He nods once, going for my pants and unzipping them, slowly pulling down the cursed tight pants I wear. I groaned as my dick was slowly being released from its tight confines that I call pants. I brought my hand up and used it to slowly go over my dick, rubbing in circles and using pressure to try and release some of the unwanted pressure.

"Someone is impatient." Niall speaks as he chuckles and goes up my body, slowly grinding himself against me.

"Don't tease me please." I beg as I pull him as close to me as possible.

I leaned up to kiss him again, only to get stopped by the annoying ringing of my phone. I was about to ignore it when I paused and realised who it could be. I quickly shoved Niall off me and scrambled off the bed to my pants and grabbed my phone, sliding my thumb against the bottom and placing it to my ear.

"Hello?" I quickly said.

"Hi. Is this Harry Stylinson?" the man on the other end of the line asked.

"May I ask whose speaking?" I asked as I nervously bit on my thumb.

"This is Doctor Thomas Finny, from Doncaster Royal Infirmary. I'm calling regarding a-" he paused, possibly looking at something. He let out a quiet 'ah' then spoke once more. "I'm calling regarding a Louis Tomlinson." he spoke.

It's like everything in my life stopped. My baby was in the hospital? Oh god I knew something was wrong, I felt it in my bones. I let out a shaky sigh and cleared my throat.

"Okay. What's wrong with my baby? Please tell me he's not dead?" I say as the tears begin to rush to my eyes, thinking about my Louis dead.

"Not at all. Quite far from it actually. I was wondering if you could possibly make it down to the Infirmary to come and see him. He's taken quite the hit and you're the only person listed on his contact list."

"Of course. I will be there as soon as possible." I say, not hesitating about anything.

"Alright Mr. Stylinson. I hope to see you safe and sound." he says.

I can sense the happy in him.

"Bye." I say quickly, ending the phone call and quickly shoving clothes on my body.

"What's going on?" Niall asks.

I jumped in my skin almost forgetting he was here. I was so into the call and hearing about Louis that Niall being here shirtless never once crossed my mind. I sighed and ran my hand through my hair, buttoning up my pants and going over to my closet grabbing a duffle bag. I shoved open my drawers and grabbed handful after handful of clothes, shoving it in the bag, not caring if they are folded or not.

"Harry, what's going on?" he asks again, following me around.

"I was right." was all I said.

"What?" he asked confused.

"I was right!" I bellowed, looking at Niall with wide eyes.

"About what?"

"About that bad feeling. I was right. I knew, I just knew something was wrong. But you just had to convince me otherwise." I say as I sip up the bag and throw it over my shoulder.

"Seriously. You're back to this?" he asks.

"Yes I'm back to this. My baby boy is hurt and all you can think about is yourself. I'm going to Doncaster for a few days and I expect you to be gone when I get back." I snap as I grab a coat, my keys, wallet, and shoes.

"But Harry, we were having such a good time. What happened?" he asked.

"Do you see this Niall? Do you see this?" I asked as I pointed to the ring on my left ring finger. "I'm. Married. For christ sake that wasn't even supposed to get as far as it did and it was my fault for letting it get that far. This-" I paused motioning between us. "-whatever was going to happen, was wrong. I'm married and I am sticking to that. So fuck off Niall." I say as I open the front door.

"Don't act like you don't want me Harry. What ever happened back there, tells me that you want me. Don't deny it." he speaks with a smirk on his face.

"Niall, nothing happened back there that meant any damn thing to me. It was a spur of the moment type of thing and I'll be damned if I let you ruin what me and Louis have. I'm telling you again, back the fuck off and get out of my house." I growl lowly, glaring at him.

I let out a deep breath and slammed the door in his face, locking it and going to my car. Throwing the duffle bag in, I get in as well and just sit there. I don't start it or anything, I just sit there and bang my fist against the steering wheel, feeling really bad about everything that just happened.

I think back to Louis, praying to god that he is okay. He's in the hospital in Donnie for christ sake, so something seriously had to be wrong for them to take him out of battle and bring him back to his home town. I place my hands on the steering wheel and start up the car, pulling out of the drive way and beginning my drive to Donnnie.

"I'm coming baby boy. I'm coming."

So, double update. Hello. Hope you like it.


Gone but never forgotten ll Larry Stylinson || #WATTYS2016Where stories live. Discover now