224 12 11

Louis ll 3

"Is there anybody in here?!" I shouted as I ran around the empty building, hoping not to find someone in here so I could leave.

I waited for a second before calling out again, asking if anyone was in there, and if there was, no one seemed to answer. I pointed my gun in any direction I look, making sure to not get shot, and walked towards the exit about to walk out.

"Help!" A small voice shouted.

I looked to my left and saw a little boy with dirt all over him, huddled in a corner shaking badly. I slowly made my way over to him, cautiously looking around in case anyone decides to go all pop goes the weasel on my ass and kill me. He looked up at me, seeing me and quickly jumping towards me and grabbing onto my leg for dear life.

"Help me please." He begged.

"What's your name son?" I asked.

"Michael." He said, hugging even tighter to my leg.

"Okay buddy, I'm gonna get you out of here, but you have to stay with me okay? My name is Louis." I spoke as I tried to comfort him.

He nodded quickly and grabbed my hand, making me freeze for just a second before I got myself together and slowly made my way to the exit of the building. As we got closer to the exit, a series of gunshots, and a grenade went off too close to where we are. We got hit with flying debris, but that's about it.

"Alright Michael, on my count we are going to run to that building over there." I say as I look at him.

I get a clear look at him, and my breath is taken away. The curly hair, the green eyes, the face. It was like I was looking at Harry in mini form. My mouth was open and my eye were wide, I couldn't move, and my brain wasn't working.

"Louis!" Michael yelled.

I shook my head and took a deep breath, grabbing his hand and yelling go. We ran as fast as we could across the vast open space to the next building, hoping to god that we won't get hurt. Gunshots, grenades, bombs, snipers, it was chaos to say the least and he was afraid that of he took one wrong move, it would end his and Michaels life. They finally made it to the building across the street and when they got in, they regretted it immediately.


"Okay Niall, I'll be over in a bit." I spoke as I hung up the phone.

Niall had called me, asked if I wanted to hang with him for a while to get my mind off things. At first I said no, but after asking a few more times, I finally said yes, making him cheer in excitement. I was putting on my shoes, and grabbing my car keys when I forgot my wallet. I rolled my eyes and walked towards the bedroom, grabbing my wallet off the table, and leaving. I taped a picture of Louis face to the back of the front door, so when I leave, I can see him.

"I love you Lou, stay safe." I whisper as I kiss the picture and leave.

As I arrive to the Horan residence, I notice that I wasn't the only one he called to hang with. Apparently he called the whole city of London, and Dublin. I sighed, rolled my eyes and got out the car, going inside and instantly regretting it.

Drunk girls, drunk guys, high girls, high guys, horny girls, horny guys. And then there's Niall. He's all of the above at the moment, and it was hilarious. He couldn't sit down, he couldn't stand comfortably, and he was red in the face. I sighed and made my way over to him, shoving his shoulder as he falls into a wall.

"Horan?" I asked as I got closer.

"What?" He slurs.

I rubbed both my hands over my face and left them there for a second. I felt him poke at Louis ring on my finger, and then mine.

"Am I seriously seeing two, or are you wearing them both?" He says as he rocks to the side.

"You probably are, and yes I am." I sigh as I cross my arms over my chest.


"No reason."

"Why is there no reason?" He chuckles.

"You're drunk dammit. Sit down somewhere before you hurt yourself." I say as I shove him on the couch.

Well really I did shove him on the couch but he ends up bouncing off anyway. I look at him with a raised eyebrow, then I shake my head and walk away. But before I do, Niall just had to open his big mouth.

"Still wanna know why you're wearing both rings. Its not like he's dead or anything." He shouts across the room.

Niall, you just don't know when to shut up do you?

____ .

Okay this one is short for a couple reasons.

1) I'm gonna update speechless later, and my phone is gonna die soon, and I can't find my charger.

2) My thumbs hurt, so I shall take a break.

3) my head hurts and I wanna take a break.

4) finally, tomorrows Monday. That means nothing to me, but the fact that I have to go job hunting tomorrow.

Gah, getting a job kills. But I need one, so...it's whatever!!

Love you guys.

Stay beautiful!!

Gone but never forgotten ll Larry Stylinson || #WATTYS2016Where stories live. Discover now