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Its been a month since I was released from the hospital and I have been in a wheelchair since. Wheeling around the house is a pain especially since we have a two story house. Harry carries me up the stairs although I tell him that he doesn't have to.

"Haz, can you get me a cuppa?" I ask as I sit up on the couch.

I can't get anything for myself anymore because my grip on things has gotten worse. I can hold the cup to my mouth but not for long. I sometimes got frustrated with myself and threw whatever I was holding towards the wall, giving up for the time being. I watch as Harry maneuvers around the kitchen, his back muscles moving in such a way, it looks like a painting come to life. He puts the kettle on the stove and turned it on high, while getting my cup and putting the tea bag in it.

"Mikey!" Harry yelled as he turned around and leaned against the counter.

Michael is now living with us and he enjoys it almost as much as I loves it. I love having more people around then being on my own, so having Michael here is a good thing. Michael soon brings me my cuppa and I smile at him as he helps me drink it.

"Thanks Mikey." I smile as I raise my hand to change the channel.

As I push down on the button of the remote, my whole arm jerks down and the remote goes flying across the room. I sigh in frustration and put my head down and lean back into the couch, letting the tears silently fill up my eyes. A few of them fell and a dip in the couch caught my attention.

"Don't cry boo." Harry says as he wipes it away.

"I can't do shit for myself anymore. I try to drink on my own, I end up spilling shit everywhere. I try to bathe myself, I can't even do that right without slipping and falling. I can change the fucking channel on my own. I am so fucking useless." I cry as I try to curl into myself.

"Boo, you are not useless. You are everything I could ever ask for. I love you for all the courage that you had to go over to war and fight. I would never have been able to that. You are sassy as hell and embrace it. Your figure is great, that dip just before your ass is the best thing I have ever seen in my life. " he says as he moves hair out of my face.

"I'm worthless. You don't even want me anymore." I say as I cry harder.

"You're the one that I want at the end of the day. No one else and I hope you understand that."


I can't believe he talked to me like that. We were having a grand ol' time and then the stupid hospital had to call about that pathetic excuse of a man. Louis is nothing but a handicapped boy. I on the other hand am a big strong man that wouldn't mind beating someone's ass for Haz.

I walked into the room in the basement of my house and closed the door behind myself. Turning on the lights, there were pictures of Harry all over the walls. My mom thinks I'm obsessed, but I just am dedicated to making him mine, that's all. I walk over to the lifesized picture I had printed out of him and dragged my hand down his face and stopped at his neck.

"You know I love you right? I can make you feel way better than that pathetic bitch you're with now can't I?" I say feeling myself begin to shake in anger and jealousy. "I mean, what do you see in him? Now that he is injured you ignore me? When he was away fighting war, you had no problem fucking me." I spit at the picture.

I had one Louis picture hanging up in the room. It was in the middle of the wall and I have been throwing knives at it. I pulled the knives from his face and stepped back a few feet, before setting myself up to throw the knife.

"I love you more than he does." I say throwing a knife at his face, hitting him right in the forehead.

"I can show you how much I care more than he can." I say throwing another and hitting him in the eye.

"I can please you better than he ever will." I say throwing two this time, one hitting, his eyes and the other hitting his chin.

"You will be mine." I say standing up straight and going over to the picture and pulling the knives out, looking at them deviously.

"Even if I have to get rid of him." I smirk.


I watched as Louis laid down on the couch and got comfortable. His head was in my lap and his legs were over on my Mikey's lap. We were watching Peter Pan, one of Louis favorite movies.

"Haz?" he asks looking up at me.

"Yes love?"

He pauses, looking to be in deep thought before he responds.

"Will you still love me even if paralyzed?" he asks as he uses his hand to play with his lip.

"Of course I will. Mikey will still love you just the same as well." I say, moving hair from his face and leaning down to press a kiss to his forehead.

"Okay." he replies as he turns to watch the movie.

We get about halfway through the movie when the doorbell rings. I furrow my eyebrows not expecting anyone and got up going towards the door. I opened it and groaned at who it was. Rolling my eyes I stared at him and huffed out in annoyance.

"Hey guys. Can I come in?" Niall says as he smiles big.

Well, umm, you probs shouldn't let Niall but that's just me.

What's gonna happen next? What the hell am I talking about, i know what happens next.



P.s. go check put my new book, Famous Lies.

I think it's different to everything else I have written.

Enjoy once again. x

Gone but never forgotten ll Larry Stylinson || #WATTYS2016Where stories live. Discover now