"They hate each other!" I say.

It is true. Both of our sisters really loved us, they both took care of us, they were the two greatest sisters in the world. But I think that's why they don't get along. They both want to be the best sister. We have family dinner with both the Mellet gang, my sister, and Joes mum and sister. It was a way of getting are families to get on board with the wedding. But it always ends with Zoe and Theo fighting.

We get to our spot and climb out of Joes car, Joe says I have to call it our car now, but anyway we get out of it.

"Okay but best man?" Joe says as he climbs onto the hood where we like to lay, look out at the view, and cuddle, it's my favourite thing to do.

"Well Troye is my brother, maybe we should have Troye and Connor as co-best men?" I ask.

"But Jim has been my best friend for years." Joe says.

I wrap my arm around Joes shoulder and place my hand and we lay back on the hood. He rests his head on my chest and wraps him arm my chest tight. I close my eyes and take a big breath. my life is perfect.

"We are getting married." I say.

Joe laughs a cute little laugh.

"You just figure that out Casp?" He says

"It's just I don't remember winning the Lottery." I say.

Joe climbs up my chest a little and kisses my neck, then my jaw, and then my lips. Each kisses sends a rush to my heart. God damn I love this boy.

Just as the kissing  starts Joes phone rings, typically.

I groan as Joe rolls off me and sits up to answer his phone.

"hello, mum." Joe says

I don't listen to Joe talks to his mum, instead I lay back on the roof and stare up at the blue sky. It was the most WAIT!

"Joe!" I yell.

"Hold on a sec Mum. What Casp?" He says holding his hand over the phone.

"WE DONT HAVE A SONG!" I yell again.

Joe laughs and kisses me.

"One sec Casp." He says "okay Mum we will come home now."

Joe hangs up the phone and jumps off the car.

"Mum needs help with dinner Casp." He says and climbs into the passenger seat of the car.

"We haven't discussed this whole song situation!" I say.

I get in the car and start the drive home.

"Okay," Joe says "How about something Adele?"

"No! Those are depressing! You make me happy, I want something happy." I say

"Okay well something upbeat, how bout Cheerleader? You are like my Cheerleader." He says smiling at me.

"Basic!" I say.

Joe just laughs at me "We can ask Troye he is good at this music stuff. But come one Casp they will never have a song that shows how much I love you."

We get to Joes house and help his Mum lay the table and make a salad.

"What are you going to eat?" Ms.Sugg says "when you move out. You will starve without me."

"We will buy food Mum." Joe says propping himself onto a counter.

"Yeah Junk food." She mutters

Our families weren't so excited about us getting married we were 'too young' according to them. How can you be too young to love someone I say smiling at Joe. He was perfect.

The door bell rings and I go answer it.

"Theo!" I say throwing my arms around my sister, I see here so little now that I live with Troye, she had gotten an apartment down the street from where we used to live.

"I miss you Casp!" She say squeezing me tight.

"Miss you too!" I say.

She then goes over and hugs Joe. Soon everyone starts arriving. Zoe brings Alf and Troye brings Connor so when we all sit down to eat the table is packed. I know Joe had made a little speech to say to the family so I tap my glass to get everyone's attention.

"Okay I think Joe wants to say something." I say and smile and Joe who is sitting next to me.

"Thanks Casp. Okay so hey everyone," Joe says "as we get closer and closer to wedding I know both Caspar and I are so excited and thankful. Thankful for all of you being the greatest family we could have asked for. We are excited to spend our lives together and spend our lives with you all. You are the people I love most in the world and I am so glad you are here."

"So there's no one else you love."

A voice from behind a wall calls. We whirl around to see who it is. A man stands in the doorway, he looks a lot like Joe, with his sharp jaw and amazing eyes, but older, taller, and harder.

"Dad." Zoe voices says softly

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