"I need to calm down and get some sleep." Rias said as she began to pack her belongings back inside the bag.

Rias' fatigue was evident when she dropped her purse again scattering her special cards and a photograph upside down.

The demon lord's little sister used what was left of her energy to pick up the cards. However, she stopped to focus on the small photo after she collected her cards up.

"Did I have a photo in my purse all this time without knowing what it was of?" Rias said as she picked it up and slowly turned it over.

Suddenly, Rias' eyes shot wide open as she saw a brown haired teen's face as he smiled with his thumb up.

Rias touched her cheeks when she felt something wet running down them.

"Eh? Why am I crying? I don't even know this boy's name, but this photo makes my heart and my head hurt so much." Rias said as she placed it back in her purse.

The upset devil climbed back into bed and hugged her pillow feeling that her tears would never stop as she tightly clung to her pillows.

Meanwhile at the Hyoudou household, Issei was still resting in bed on account of his injuries and his lost magic power.

"I thought I would find you here." A voice said making Issei open his eyes immediately.

"Sirzechs? Grayfia?" Issei said as he stared at the demon lord and his queen

"You've certainly seen better days' night wing." Sirzechs said making Issei a bit annoyed.

"How many times have I told you not to call me that! Wait a minute... Then that means you remember me Lord Sirzechs?!" Issei said the excitement obvious in his tone.

"Yes. But it seems that many others have seemed to forget you. What's going on?" Sirzechs said as Issei sat himself up.

"That bastard Ryuu, he has erased me from the rest of the peerages memories. His sacred gear is memory manipulation." Issei said making Sirzechs frustrated all of a sudden.

"Then that means?! The one who promised me he would take care of my sister was responsible for her pain?!" Sirzechs said his irises transforming now.

"Calm down Lord Sirzechs, Issei will definitely save Rias. Isn't that right?" Grayfia said now looking at Issei.

"Of course I will, I'm not going to give up on her. I swear to you lord Sirzechs, I will bring her back to her senses and make that scumbag pay for attacking the Gremories." Issei said making Sirzechs smile.

"Well you won't be able to do anything in your condition. It's a good thing that I brought Grayfia along with me then. Grayfia please tend to Issei's wounds and start restoring his magic power." Sirzechs said causing Grayfia to open a magic circle and pull out a strange device.

"This won't be as fast as Asia's twilight healing, but it will help restore your wounds and your magic power. You should be good to go by tomorrow evening. And when you're ready to go, we will take action and save Rias." Grayfia said pressing the button and encasing Issei in a healing oval shaped bubble which shined a majestic purple.

Akeno, Koneko and Gasper re-entered Issei's room and began to discuss a plan of action.

"So what's the plan Sekiryutei?" Grayfia said expecting Issei to have one already.

"Okay, in order to save Rias, we have to work together. First, I would like Sirzechs and Grayfia to seal off Kiba, Xenovia and Asia so they don't get hurt in the crossfire. Meanwhile me Akeno, Koneko and Gasper will take on Ryuu and Rias." Issei said making Akeno speak up.

"Issei kun, I think it would be best if you left Rias to me. I don't think you would be able to fight her seriously. And besides, while I keep Rias busy, you, Koneko and Gasper can focus on Ryuu and his dragon." Akeno said making Issei worry.

"But isn't Rias your best friend? I couldn't force you to fight her either." Issei said feeling concerned.

"She is my best friend. That is why, I will personally remind her of the great things about Issei-Kun. I believe it is my duty as her best friend, to see to it she doesn't lose an important person in her life and to replace them with a jerk like Ryuu. I feel I can do it." Akeno said brimming with confidence.

"I see. Then I will leave Rias to you. Thank you Akeno." Issei said feeling happy.

"There is no need to thank me, I owe a lot to you for saving me. And I also owe it to Rias to make sure she stays happy." Akeno said with a blush and a smile.

The next day flew by in a flash and now Scale mail equipped, Issei, Akeno, Gasper and Koneko transported to the battlefield at Kuoh academy.

The four devils arrived on the scene and as expected, Rias, Ryuu and his dragon were there waiting.

"Akeno?! Koneko?! Gasper?! What's going on here? Why are you helping the Sekiryutei? Has he brainwashed you?!" Rias said starting to get emotional.

Akeno concentrated her magic power and transformed into her Miko outfit.

"The only one here who has been brainwashed Rias, is you! That man has messed with your mind and taken away from you the most precious thing to you!" Akeno said making Rias look shocked as she placed her hand over heart.

"What are you saying Akeno? Ryuu is the one I love." Rias said in a hesitant tone.

"Don't worry president Rias, I will remind you of the man you truly love! Here I come!" Akeno said as she opened up both her devil wing and her fallen angel wing as she soared into the air. Generating lighting within her palms as she stared down at Rias.

Okay Chapter 25 is done! I got excited when I was hit by inspiration. Therefore, I have managed to do this chapter quicker than I expected. So what did you think? Join me in the next chapter when the two most powerful devils and best friends clash with one another! Next time chapter 26 The priestess of lighting Vs the Ruin Princess.

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