"Yeah, before we found out about the whole dimension thing we were all orphans." Ross said.

"You guys too?" Laurence said sympathetically.

"Dante want to hear a story?" I ask in a motherly voice. Dante nodded and everyone sat down.

"Well when I was four, my 'parents' died in a fire. Irene explained them as host parents, which were programmed to raise me. Anyway, I was sent to an orphanage. I met four idiots, a guy in a purple dinosaur sweatshirt, a kid with a purple amulet, a dude in a purple sweater and a book, then there was just Ross in a narwhal sweatshirt. I'll admit at first I was terrified of them. The orphans called them strange and scary. Everyone was scared of them. But I decided to finally confront them and introduce myself: *hollographic memory crystal*

"Hi! My names Jessica, but you can call me Jess." A child with raven black and amber eyes held out her hand.

"Uh hi Jess. I'm Adam!" The kid with the amulet took her hand and shook it.

"I'm Ross. And no this is not a sloth sweater, it's a narwal." The other kid took her hand and turned a slight pink.

"Ohs! I'm the Barney!" The other boy with a purple dinosaur sweater took her hand as well.

Adam nudged the other kid with a sweater, "Huh? O-oh... Hi the names J-Jin." He took her hand too and also turned a shade of red.

"I'm sorry if this a hard topic but why do the other kids call you weird?" We all sat down under the apple tree.

"We don't know. We never really talked to them." Adam laid back.

"How long have you guys been here?" Jess asked.

"Since about two days ago. We all arrived at the same time. It's funny, all our parents died the same way. They all died in a house fire." Jin trailed off in thought.

"Oh I'm sorry. If it makes you feel any better, my parents died in a fire as well." Jess tried to sound strong and careful.

"Hm. Maybe it's fate." Ross joked.

"Owch! The apples fell on me!" Barney had a apple in his hand.

"Jess?" Adam asked.


"Friends forever?"

We all said in response, "Friends forever."

The scene shifted:

"What did you say sloth boy?" Ross was being pinned to the locker. It was apparent that they were in high school.

"I'm not a sloth! I'm a narwal!" Ross screamed back. Struggling against his attackers.

The boys laughed.

Footsteps were heard coming around the corner, Jess came running over to the scene.

"Care to explain what's going on here?" Jess asked in a strive voice.

The boys laughed again, "Ross is this your little girlfriend?"

"N-no." Ross was struggling for air.

Jess started laughing, "Don't you dare underestimate me."

The boys tensed up, and a glint of fear was rising.

"What are you gonna do about it? Your just a girl!" One of the boys laughed.

Jess started to glow. She grew wings that were black as coal. She pinned the boy holding Ross to the locker.

"If you dare touch any of my friends again. You won't be getting off so easy." Jess told them in a dark demonic voice.

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