Chapter 67

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Cam's POV 


''I'm fine'' Sam smiles and gives me the same answer she'd given me these couple of weeks. 

Sam is lying and she haven't been herself for quite a long time. I feel devastated, not knowing what I can do to make her happy and just be there for her.. I've tried to contact Shawn.. But he's nowhere to be found.. 

Wth is wrong with him? And Melody? She found out about Samantha after the accident, and that didn't go too well. As soon as people found out about Sam's sickness, it was like.. I don't know.. 

They all changed. 

Everything changed, especially for Samantha. 

''Are you sure?'' I look into her eyes as she sarcastically let out a laugh. 

''Yeah? You've been asking me the same question everyday, and the answer will always be the same.'' I couldn't take it. I can't continue looking at her, and how she tries to hide away the pain. 

''Stop Sam, look at me.. You can talk to me, everyone is here for you. We'll take good care of you'' I tried to get her to open up. 

''Cam, there's really no need to-'' She faked a laugh but I cut her off. 

''Please don't keep your thoughts to yourself, tell us what you feel so we can figure out what to do.'' I say as she just stares at and her smile fades away. 

''You REALLY don't know what you're doing right now, do you?'' She gets serious. 

''Huh? I'm trying to help you? We all are?'' And them BOOM.. She finally spit out. 

''THAT'S THE THING! CAM, I DON'T NEED ANY HELP! You guys, are treating me like a person I don't wanna be, a person that is unable to take care of myself, a person that is helpless.The more you tell me that everyone's trying to help, I feel USELESS. You make me feel like I can't do anything by myself. - like I'm lifeless, empty and even worse - dead. You guys CAN'T help me? There's nothing to do!? Everything I wanted was to live my life normally before I lose THAT opportunity. I wanted to have a sister that doesn't treat me like a cancer patient, a friend that ask me about what I'd like to do/go out some place instead of making me stay here in case something would happen, my son to be happy, and last.. A guy who's supposed to be in my life right now, but isn't... That's all I wanted. Is that too much to ask for?'' She started crying.. 

And in that moment, I couldn't control myself. I realized that everything she said, was true. 

Tears painfully rolled down her cheeks which made me cry as well. I loved Sam, and I wanted her to stop crying...

 I couldn't.. 

All of the sudden I felt lost of control, and I... I kissed her.

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