ORDA! 8 | "You slept with her?"

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CHAPTER 8 - "You slept with her?"

***Mandy’s POV*** 

           It had been more than 2 weeks and Erin hadn’t seen or mentioned Liam to anyone. She was quiet almost all of the time. She had started eating less as well. Her happy-go-lucky attitude seemed like a lifetime away. She looked like the life had been sucked out of her. Most of the time she was in her room and she hardly said anything to Dad.

           I knocked on Nick’s bedroom door.

           “Come in,” I heard him call.

           I opened the door, went inside and closed it quietly behind me. He was sitting at his desk reading a book. He bookmarked his page and put the book down. I sat on his bed. “We have to do something. We can’t let Erin go through with the wedding. It'll destroy her.”

           “I know we have to do something,” he agreed. “But Mandy, the wedding is tomorrow. What can we possibly do in half a day?”

           “We can go Liam and see if there’s something he or his family can do. They have a lot of friends in high places. Maybe one of them can find someone who is actually willing to marry Chadwick Murray.”

           “Okay,” Nick said. “I’ll get my car out.” He got up and I followed him. He went to get his car out and I quickly went to grab something.

           We arrived at his house in 15 minutes. The butler took us to his suite doors and left. I knocked on the door and walked in. He was sitting on the sofa watching his massive TV and drinking beer.

           He turned around, saw us and turned back around. “What are you doing here?”

           “You know who we are then?” I asked.

           “Yeah,” he answered. “She told me about you.” It sounded painful the way he said ‘she’.

           “Well, we need your help,” I said. “Well, she needs your help.”

           “I don’t care,” he answered. “Why should I care if she needs help?”

           “She’s in trouble,” Nick said. “She’s getting married tomorrow and she doesn’t want to go through with it.”

           I swear I saw him flinch in shock but I didn’t say anything about it. “She still loves you.”

           “No she doesn’t,” he said. “She made that pretty clear.”

           “She was just acting,” Nick said. “Our dad is making her get married to Chadwick Murray because she fell in love with you. He couldn’t accept that she had fallen in love with someone like you so he blackmailed her into marrying Chadwick. If she marries him, then our dad won’t tell your parents about you and all of the girls that you’ve screwed. So she agreed and she said that she didn’t love you even though she does.”

           He stood up. “Nice story but I don’t buy it. Tell her that I learnt my lesson and that I never want to her ever again.” He laughed. “She tricked me in exactly the same way I did to all of those other girls. I guess I should have known she would do it that way.”

           “What are you talking about?” I asked.

           Just then, the doors opened and Alex and Adam walked in.

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