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Hey guys!

I just wanted to say a few things:

1) Thank you to everyone who reads this story. I really appreciate all the fans, votes and comments that I get on it and I read every single comment on every chapter (sad, I know but it's true).

2) This story won't be very long - under 20 chapters - and so it may seem rushed at some points but that's just the way that I intended it to be.

3) Please check out KPatel20's work (click on the dedication) because she is the one who read all of my stories beforehand and then encouraged me to upload them on Wattpad. Without her, you wouldn't be reading my work so I would really love it if you read her work as well. She's got seven stories at the moment and they are all quite different to one another so I'm sure you guys will find something that you like!

4) IMPORTANT POINT! I have started a new story called "Broken Love" with Wattpad writer KPatel20 (Krishee) and we would really appreciate it if you read, vote and comment on it so we get some good feeback. We're not setting a limit on how many we need but we would really love more people to check it out! Here's a short synopsis:

Shayne is starting a new year at Blair Academy. He's surprisingly happy to be back at school with his close friends and he wants to get the best out of his last year at school before persuing his dream of becoming a famous photographer.

Mysti is back at Valenica Academy for another year of lessons, learning and boredom. She cannot wait for her final year to be over because then she'll be free of everything and be able to become a journalist like she's always dreamed.

Before any of this can start however, Shayne and Mysti will have to deal with bullies, bitches, danger and... love?

Will they be able to survive all of this without leaving a mark so deep in their hearts that they become broken lovers?

If you want to check it out now, please click on the external link (which is >>> that way somewhere) and it will take you straight to the first chapter!

Thanks a lot for reading this note and I will be updating my stories very soon!

Miracle xx

Opposites Really Do Attract! | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now