ORDA! 4 | "Just act like a couple"

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CHAPTER 4 - "Just act like a couple"

***Erin’s POV***

           I was sitting in Starbucks waiting for Adam and Alex to arrive. They were both really good friends of mine. I’ve known Adam since we were three and we went to the same school until Dad pulled me out and sent me to a more advanced school. We still met all the time and one day he told me that he was gay. He was so worried about how I would react but I had basically figured it out already.

           I met Alex a few years ago at a party. We started talking and bumping into each other more often. After a few weeks, it was like we had known each other all our lives. He told me that he was also gay. At first I was surprised but then I laughed and I told him that I knew someone else that was also gay and that they would make the perfect couple.

           They’ve been together for almost 18 months and they’ve always been there for me when I needed them. Now was a time when I really needed them.

           I heard the door to the cafe open and I looked up. Adam and Alex walked in. I signalled to them and they came over and sat down in the booth I was in.

           “Hey,” Adam said.

           I smiled in return.

           “What’s wrong?” Alex asked. “You sounded pretty desperate on the phone.”

           I sighed. “I need a really big favour,” I started off.

           They both looked at each other and then looked back at me.

           “You know that I’ve never asked anything from you,” I said. “But I really need your help.”

           “Of course we’ll help you,” Alex said. “We’re your friends and you were the reason that we’re together now.” Adam nodded in agreement.

           So I told them. About meeting Liam and tutoring him. About the Sunday that I stayed at his house and about me falling in love with him. I didn’t tell them about the marriage thing yet because then they would flip out and kill my dad - which wouldn't be a bad thing.

           “You really love him don’t you?” Alex asked.

           I nodded in reply, looking down.

           “What do you need us to do?” Adam asked.

           “I told Liam that I had a boyfriend,” I said.

           “What?!” they said together.

           “I know it was a stupid thing to do but it just kinda slipped out,” I explained. “So I was wondering of Alex could pretend to be my boyfriend. I already told him about you Adam, so I wanted to ask if you could please do this for me. When I told him he didn’t sound very convinced. I have to make him forget about me because he likes me and I really don’t want to hurt him. Do you mind?”

           “Of course not,” Alex said.

           “We’ll do anything you need us to do. Does anyone else know about any of this?” Adam asked.

           “Yeah, Mandy. She was really angry at first but I managed to calm her down and she said that she wanted to help,” I answered.

           “Alright,” Alex said. “So whenever Liam’s around, just act like a couple.”

           “Yeah,” I said.

           “We’ll come and pick you up from the sessions tomorrow so that he can meet us and he might believe that you’re together,” Adam said.

           “Okay,” I said. I sighed again. Tears started to fall down my cheeks. I quickly rubbed them away and looked down.

           “Erin, what’s wrong?” Alex asked. “There’s something you’re not telling us.”

           I looked up at them with teary eyes.

           “What is it Erin?” Adam asked.

           “Dad’s forcing me to get married,” I whispered.

           They froze.

           “WHAT?!” they shouted in unison. Everyone in the café turned around to stare at us. Alex and Adam didn’t care though.

           “When?” Alex said.

           “Who?” Adam asked.

           “Next month,” I answered.

           “Who?” Adam asked again.

           “Chadwick Murray,” I answered.

           “You have got to be joking me,” Alex said in disbelief.

           “Chadwick Murray?! The one whose Dad owns Murray Industries? The one who couldn’t get a girl even if he was the last man in the universe? The one who is so stuck up his own arse that he doesn’t know where he is anymore?” Adam shouted.

           “That would be the one.”

           “Oh my God Erin,” Alex said. “No! No way in hell are we letting you marry him.”

           “Please,” I begged. “Don’t go to my dad. If anyone tries to stop this wedding then he will make my life and Liam’s life a living hell.”

           They both sighed.

           “We’ll help you,” Adam said.

           “No matter what happens,” Alex concluded.

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