Haruka Nanase x OC

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This means they're talking in English and Haru doesn't understand.

Haru sighed as him and Rin sat on plane heading back to Australia. Haru asked "So what's the plan when we get there?" Rin shrugged "My friend is letting us crash with her in her house for as long as we need! We might end up living with her." Haru asked "Are you sure she's okay with that?" Rin nodded happily "Yeah! When I was living here as a kid we were really good friends along with Sousuke. We all still talk and she even came over to visit Gou and I for Christmas." Haru said simply "Oh." Rin chuckled and said "Yeah, she's really cool! She plays soccer and has the best chances of going pro right now." Haru said "Oh..." After a few more hours the exited the plane and Rin looked at his phone and said "Shes waiting for us in the terminal."

[Sam's pov]
I sat down on the little bench as I waited for Rin and his friend. Suddenly I got a text from Rin saying they were finally here. I stood up yawning slightly and saw Rin. I called out "Rin!" He looked over and smiled and walked over to me and said in English "Hey Sam! It's good to see you again!" I smiled and hugged him "Yeah! It's good to see you again too! It's been so boring around here with out you and Sousuke!" He laughed and then said "Oh! This is Haruka! The guy I told you about!" I looked at him and Rin nudged him and he said with a thick Japanese accent voice and stuttered "H-Hello. I am H-Haruka N-Nanase. Nice to m-meet you..." I smiled and Rin said "Unfortunately that's about all he knows. Doesn't really speak any other English." I chuckled "In that case, you didn't tell me he was gonna be so cute! I woulda dressed better." Rin laughed out "Sorry!" I laughed too and Haru tugged on Rin's jacket and said in Japanese "Why didn't you tell me she was so cute?" Rin said thinking I didn't understand Japanese "Wow, your taking an interest in something other then water??" Haru huffed "She's like water. She's beautiful." Rin laughed looking at me "She is, isn't she?" I pursed my lips and said in Japanese smirking "Well thanks! Now I know how you two feel about me!" They both looked at my wide eyes and I chuckled "After you left Rin I picked up Japanese pretty quickly." I chuckled and turned around "Come on! I wanna go grab something to eat!" They followed me and we got their bags and everything and first went to my house and dropped off their bags then we began walking towards the restaurants. Suddenly the sound of screaming reached my ears and Rin sniffed the air "It smells like something it burning??" I said "There must be a fire somewhere, come on!" I began running and they ran after yelling to stop. Once we came to the burning building we joined the few people. I asked a guy who was pacing "Hey! What's happening??" He told me that a fire started and the fire department was on their way. Suddenly I heard someone screaming "HELP! MY FAMILY IS STILL IN THERE!!!" My eyes widen and the lady began crying!!! I instantly bolted into the house hearing both Rin and Haru yell "Jay!!!" I ran in and called out "Hello???!" There was fire everywhere... I checked the rooms and found a dog, a cat, and a kitten. The cat and kitten hit away in my zipped up jacket and I had tied a rope around my waist leading the dog behind me. I heard crying and went to open a door but my hand was suddenly burned! I growled and tried kicking down the door but it was budging. I grabbed the burning hot door knob and bared through the pain and found two kids huddled in the corner of the room! I said "Come with me!!" They both cried "We want our mom!!!" I said "She's out side! I'm saving you to see her again!" They looked at each other and nodded and stood up. I grabbed them and began running down stairs. I saw the door just as the house began collapsing down!!! Just before it crushed me I ran out with bits and pieces of my jacket and pants burning... No doubt I probably had ashes smudged all over my skin. The woman ran up to me crying because and I let the kids down from my grasp, then untied the door and opened my jacket and handed one kid the full grown cat and handed the other kid the kitten. The woman hugged me "Thank you!!! I could never repay you!!!" I shook my head coughing slightly "I-It's fine!" She began to cry and the fire trucks came rushing up. Of course they saw me and took me to the ambulance and cleans my wounds and burns and let me breath in an oxygen mask... I sat there and sighed. Suddenly I heard a chuckle and Rin said "Well aren't you a hero??" I shrugged "After a few more minutes of supplied oxygen I wanna go eat. I'm hungry." Haru asked "You nearly just died... That doesn't affect you?" I chuckled "When it comes to saving the lives of others I don't care what happens to me." The medics let m go eventually, the. We went to go eat, and came back home... And we were all winding down. Rin asked me "So how's the soccer career going?" He smiled and I frowned and said "Oh... I quit..." He yelled shocked "What?!" Haru said "I thought you lived soccer?" I nodded "I do. I do... But it's not what makes me the happiest." Rin asked me angry "What could be better then be the best pro soccer player?!?" I shrugged "Rin, you and I both know I have a knack for being selfless and putting everyone else above myself right?" He nodded "Yeah! And you would also be a great captain for the team! But apparently you threw that away!!!! What are you planning on doing anyways?!" I looked at him and said seriously "I wanna join the military." Him and Haru both looked at me surprised. He asked "What?!" I nodded "Yeah... I was planning on going to sign up in a few months. While I'm gone you two can stay here as long as you want. It doesn't matter to me much." Rin grabbed my "Your asking for a death wish!" I shrugged "I want to help people. Not preform on nation tv and waiting for people to judge me." Rin looked so angry. He simply turned and walked away and slammed his bed room door. I huffed "Hell burn out on his own eventually." Haru stood up and asked "Are you sure?" I nodded smiling "Yeah... I've been reading about it and honestly it sounds so fun and exciting! And more honoring then any metal id receive on the field." He hugged me and I became very surprised... He huffed "Just stay a little bit longer. I want to see your beautiful face every day." I looked at him completely shocked... He likes me that much already?? He leaned down and kissed my forehead and said "I respect your choice." And then walked off to the kitchen... I rubbed my forehead where his lips touched... It felt all tingly and honestly I think my heart stopped...

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