Tony Stark/Iron Man

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I sighed as I walked into the stark building... The woman let me up and I took the elevator up to the residential part of the tower... The AI unit said "Miss (L/n), I must warn you...Mr. Stark has been a little...Off...since his ex girlfriend and assistant left him and the company..." I said "Define off." The unit said "He gets a little drunk..." I said "Please. I can handle a drunk. I mean I did live with my father for years..." He said "Well then, please for his sake keep him out of trouble." I said "I'll try my best." the doors opened and I stepped out and saw my new boss passed out on the couch. I set down my stuff and went to the kitchen making a special drink I learned that took away your drunkness and Hangover. I walked back over to Mr.Stark and said "Oi! Wake up!" He groaned and sat up. He said "Who are you?" I said "Your new assistant Mr.Stark." I gave him the drink and he drank it. He said "What is this? Because it is spectacular!" I shrugged and said "Old family secret. Since the men of my family mostly consisted of drunks." He said "Aye. I am not a drunk." I rolled my eyes and said "Says the man that was passed out on the couch when his new employee came in." He rolled his eyes. He said "So tell me about yourself beautiful." I said "Well first off, my name is (Y/n) (L/n). I'm pretty laid back but when I'm angry...Lets just say You pray to god I'm not angry at you." He chuckled and said "Trust me. I've seen a man with breath taking anger issues." I said "The Hulk or more known as Bruce banner?" stark nodded and said "Bingo!" I rolled my eyes and said "Well I'm down for whatever." Tony smirked and said "Does that mean-" I said "No. Nothing sexual. Keep that in mind Mr.Stark." He rolled his eyes. He said "Can we at least start off as friends?" I smirked and said "Sure. But I can a sure you Tony. You haven't had a friend like me." he said "I can see that, because you didn't want me." I rolled my eyes and said "Unlike most women these days, it actually takes effort to get to my heart." Tony said "Alright. Challenge excepted." I asked "Wait what does that mean?" He smirked and said "See, you have peeked my interest." I said "Psh. Mr.Stark, I've heard your reputation. I do not want to become another one if your famous one night stands." He frowned at me and said "Well, something is different about you. I don't quite think you'll become one of those." I sat down on the couch and said "Whatever. I'm not really relationship type stuff anyway." He asked "Why is that?" I sighed loudly and said "Well. Let's see... Im extremely weird, loud, explosive, kinda crazy, grumpy, sassy, and very antisocial when I want to be..." He came over and sat down beside and hugged me with a smile on his face and said "That's okay! I still like you." I squirmed in his grasped and said "GAH! I don't like being touched!!!" Tony laughed and let go. I huffed and said "Idiot." He said "But I'm your idiot!" I said "I never agreed to dating you." He said "But when I win your heart you will!" I rolled my eyes and said "I assume you wont be getting drunk thinking about your last girl friend?" He shrugged and said "Maybe." I said "How about this. Every time you feel sad about your ex I'll give you a kiss on the cheek." He said "Lips?" I shook my head and said "Cheek. Take it or leave it." He said "Fine. But I'll have you know, I'm sad all the time." I rolled my eyes and said "Only when your actually sad and want to drink your problems away." He crossed his arms and whinnied out "Fine." I got up and said "Now. Then. I assume you just want to take the day off?" He nodded and said "Yes!" I walked over the the desk he had off the side and pulled up the hologram screens and stared doing work. I said "Then take the day off. I can do your work." He said "Whoa whoa. I don't think your smart enough to do my work, no offense!" I laughed and said "Tony, I'll have you know that I'm smarter then you and Bruce banner combine." Tony came up beside me and watched me do his work and asked "Really?" I nodded and said "Even though you and Mr. Banner are quite smart, you still only have access to about 12 or 13% of your brains." He said "huh, stalker much?" I shrugged and said "I like to do my home work with people I'll be working with. Anyways, I have about 80% access to my brain. So I can basically do anything." He looked at me in shock and said "80%?!" I nodded and kept working along. he said "Show me what you can do exactly." I lifted one of my hands up and turned it different ways as it changed into different skin texture and what not. I said "I can adapted to almost any type of place. I can changed my body to how I want to look." He walked off and I stopped a knife from hitting me with a force field. I turned to him and said "Does that prove your point?" The knife stared floating in mid air and turned into different shapes and forms. He said "Wow. You just got 10x better!" I smirked and said "I know." I turned back around and pressed enter and said "There. All done." Tonys jaw dropped to the floor. I said "Let's go relax shall we?" He smiled and said "Will you marry me?!" I laughed and said "My limit is at least a year before I could even consider marrying you." He said "I will marry you in a year! Tonight let's go out at let's say around...8?" I laughed and said "Easy there tiger. let's just take baby steps." He smiled and said "Tonight at 8 it is then!"

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