Diet Mountain Dew

Start from the beginning

Chuckling, I pulled her plate towards me and cut her steak into little Bella's-mouth sized pieces. "There ya go, piccolo!" Forking some steak into my mouth, I quietly moaned inwardly at the delicious taste. "Think you've outdone yourself this time, Alfa!"


"Will you read me a bedtime story, Woofie?" Oh, the innocence of that little girl... She smiled up at me with an eyelash flutter, lips plump and pink, and shoved a book into my hands; I didn't even bother to look at the title, because I didn't care. She could make me read an Economics book, and I wouldn't care, as long as I got to spend time with her.

"Have you brushed your teeth and gone to the bathroom before bed?" I'd been around her house so much that I knew her nightly routines like the back of my hand; Luna and the Alfa barely even had to come tuck her in anymore.

"Yes, Daddy!" Smirking up at me, her tone carried a note of sarcasm as she flipped her long, curly hair out of her way and settled up in my lap on her Princess Butter bed.

Still, I didn't move; I was frozen from the force of her words, and the weight of her in my lap. She was seven fücking years old, why the hell is she making me horny?!?


"Read it again, Woofie!" She grinned up at me even as a yawn pulled out of her mouth, her eyes fluttering between alert and sleepy. Her arms were around my waist as she snuggled against my chest, craning her neck to look up at me. "Pwetty pwetty pwease, Woofie?!?"

That adorable, innocent little baby talk got me every time! Sighing, I craned my own neck to look down at her with a small, sad smile of my own. "You're sleepy, poco caprifoglio, and if I stay much longer your father is gonna rip me to shreds..." Those pouty, plump lips of hers will be the death of me, and so will those eyes! "How 'bout I just sing to you until you fall asleep?" ((Little honeysuckle))

Nodding enthusiastically, her eyes brightened for an instant before a frown tugged at her lips and she buried her face in my side; what had I gone and done now?!?

"Abellia," I murmured, knowing the use of her full name would get a reaction out of her, "what's wrong, il mio piccolo bella caprifoglio?!? Talk to me, piccolo, please..." My voice was desperate, and with good reason; what was wrong with her?!? ((My beautiful little honeysuckle. Little one))

Her bright eyes met mine beneath her lashes as she sucked her bottom lip between her teeth, cheeks pink. "Will you stay with me, Woofie?!? The nightmares don't come when you're here..."

What was she talking about?!? Frowning, I clutched her tightly to me and pulled her up into my lap, slinging her legs so she straddled me; if I hadn't been so worried about her, I would've been really turned on right then... "What nightmares, il mio caprifoglio?!?" ((My honeysuckle))

Her eyes widened as she gasped quietly, shaking her head frantically. Slowly tipping her chin, I sighed as her eyes, wide in fear, met mine. "Please talk to me, Abellia..."

Sighing, she stuck the corner of her thumb between her lips and flattened against my chest, her long hair tickling my arms as I cradled her tightly. "Mommy and Daddy always fight about you, ya know... Daddy says these horrible, awful things about you; he doesn't like you very much!" The feeling's mutual, buddy! "He always says that, when I was a baby, you killed your Daddy; that's what my nightmares are about, you killing your Daddy..."

"Abellia- my sweet, adorable, loving, innocent little Abellia- I killed my Daddy because he was going to hurt you and your family; my Daddy was a bad, bad, mean man, okay? I don't feel sorry for killing him, because he deserved it; he abused me and killed my Mommy..." Sighing, I ran a hand through my hair and slowly blew out a breath; this was not how she was supposed to find out, if ever at all... "I did it to protect you, my Abellia."

Her lips tugged into a frown as her nose wrinkled, the tale-tell sign that she was confused and trying to work something out; smoothing the wrinkle in her forehead out with a soft finger, I smiled sadly even as her eyes brightened. "So you do love me!"


It's all because I love you... Not romantically, though I knew that I very easily could in the future, but not quite brotherly love either, because I'm sure none of her brothers were ever horny around her... I loved her as a friend; I would always love her as a friend, and maybe more one day, but never less than.

Since she'd been born, I'd known she was special, I just never imagined that she'd be this special to me; I'd known that we'd have to become friends so that I could stick close and protect her, I just never thought that we'd be this close. And being this close to her was horrible for me, because I knew what was about to happen... I was about to have to distance myself, purely out of necessity.

I was soon going to be 18, and that meant my Wolf, and I wasn't about to even give myself the chance to hurt her; I wasn't sure of my plan to actually put space between us, I just knew that I couldn't stick near as closely as I'd like. I'd start small, of course, slowly rip the corner of the band-aid off; I'd find one of my father's rogues that was somewhat acceptable as a "girlfriend" and go from there...

Goddess, even the mere thought of hurting her, hurt me... But I had to let her go, for now. As much as I wanted her- her safety, her love, her passion- I couldn't have her; I'd just have to get her to realize that...

She was the diet Mountain Dew that I craved, but couldn't have.

A/N: not sure about this chapter.... What about yall?!? Cuz Luc wants her- it's not really even him, it's more his instincts that are telling him things- but I kinda feel like I played it off like he wanted her too much, like in that way, ya know?!? Oh well.... Lemme know!:)

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