I'd rather leave her, knowing that she loved me and vice versa, rather than me stay and accidentally hurt her, and her hate me for it.


"Happy birthday, Luc!" Walking up the porch steps, I frowned slightly as the boys ran out to meet us; I'd expressly told Luna and Bella not to make a big deal out of my birthday... "I am so jealous! You get your Wolf tonight, huh?!?"

Pasting on a fake grin for 12 year old Garrett, I then frowned as 10 year old Antonio jumped up on my back, arms tight around my neck. I didn't need the boys to be all sweet and cuddly too; I'd rather just break one heart- even if it my Bella's- instead of four...

"Hey, boys! Hope your Mamá cooked, 'cause I am starved!" Holding Ant on my back even as Bella took my hand and tugged me inside, I flashed a smile in passing at Luna; the smile quickly turned to a mute frown as the Alfa rounded the corner into the dining room, a scowl on his own face. His heart is one I could care less about...

"Luc," he said bluntly, voice not even his usual growl; who knew the Alfa was capable of being in a good mood!

"Alfa," I shot right back, raising a brow with a smirk as Luna placed a huge-ass chocolate cake in front of me. My mouth dropped open at the sight of pure beauty before me, and that was saying something when I was also staring at my Bella.

As I reached for the cake, I immediately froze as a loud shriek burst my eardrums, for the second time that day; whipping around, I saw Bella with a huge, kissable pout on her beautiful lips. Wait, what?!? Dammit, I've got to get out of here before I do something I'll regret...

"YOU CANNOT EAT YOUR CAKE UNTIL WE SING HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! DON'T YOU KNOW ANYTHING, Woofie?!?" Her lips fluttered between a smile and a frown as she grabbed both of my hands tight in hers, probably to keep me from eating the shit out of that cake...

"Well, sugar bear, why don't you sing me Hap-"

"Buon compleanno / Buon compleanno / Buon Compleanno Caro Luc / Buon compleanno." They all smiled, even the Alfa, as I blew out the eighteen candles. My wish was that my Bella would have it in her heart to forgive me for leaving her...


""Tu sei il mio sole, la mia unica sole / Mi fai felice quando i cieli sono grigi / Non si sa mai, caro, quanto ti amo / Si prega di non prendere il mio sole via..." Cradling her tightly, a lone tear escaped my eyelid and rolled down my cheek, soaking into Bella's hair as I rested my chin in her head. (("You are my sunshine, my only sunshine / You make me happy when skies are gray / You never know, dear, how much I love you / Please do not take my sunshine away))

She lifted her head slowly, eyes widening as they met mine, her fingers reaching to trace the tear on my cheek. Turning slowly in my lap, she took my face in her small hands with a frown. "Why are you crying, Luc?!?" Sighing, she nestled her face into the crook of my neck and slowly inhaled, breathing in my scent. "Please don't cry, Luc; if you do, I will..."

In that case, I'd better stop being such a pansy; if she cries, I'll never leave her... Rubbing a hand hard against my eyes as the tears managed to stop flowing, I flashed an on again, off again smile and cupped her cheek. "I'm just so happy here, and I love you so much; this is my home, and it always will be."

Her eyes brightened somewhat as she nodded slowly, fingers rubbing circles into my cheeks. "Of course it'll always be your home, silly!" Giggling quietly, she pressed a soft, lingering kiss to each of my cheeks. "I wuv you, Woofie!"

Smiling down at her, I ran a slow hand through her hair as she sighed, breath warm against the skin of my neck. "I love you too, Abellia." Managing to scoot from sitting against her headboard to laying down in her bed, I breathed a sigh of my own as she wrapped her arms around my waist, leg tossed across my torso. "I will always love you." Kissing the top of her head, I tightened my arms around her on impulse. "Get some sleep, il mio piccolo bella caprifoglio." ((My beautiful little honeysuckle))


She slept soundly, soft little purrs escaping her throat, as she lay flush against me; the corner of her thumb was tucked between her teeth as she fisted my shirt tight in her other hand. Her long, silky red-brown hair splayed over her pillow as her butterscotch eyes fluttered, chest expanding with each precious breath.

Goddess, how could I ever leave her?!? But I had to, to protect her from, well, me. Leaving her was the only way I could ensure her safety, whether she thought so or not; that, and her trying to keep me from leaving, was the reason that I hadn't told her in the first place that I was leaving...

At least I could remember her, like this, so beautiful and angelic as she slept, with not one care in the world. At least I could remember her when she was happy, and so blissfully unaware.

But how would I survive, knowing that I'd hurt her- my best friend, the sugar and spice to my anger and possessiveness, il mio piccolo bella caprifoglio? I'd just have to harden my heart so that I couldn't feel anything, anymore- that was the only way I'd ever be okay with what I was about to do. ((My beautiful little honeysuckle))

Untangling her little arms from around me was almost the hardest thing I'd ever do; slipping out from under her tiny, sleeping body was a close tie. Ever so gently, like a butterfly's brush of wings, kissing her soft, plump lips almost made me want to jump back in bed with her. But actually slipping across her room to the window, climbing out, and looking over to see her hands searching for me in the darkness, that was what tore my heart into a million pieces...

A/N: y'all can kill me later, after y'all have read the rest of the book........;);) I know, I know, I know..... Y'all hate me for it- heck, I hate myself for it- but it had to happen..... I've had this planned out even before I finished Talking To The Moon, and I don't plan on swaying too far from that plan......

So so so sorry, guys,........ Once y'all see where the story goes, I think y'all will love me again..........;););)

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