"Glow up was for real, huh?"

Start from the beginning

"Well miss Karen received a few weeks of therapy and promised to never lay her hands on the poor girl again."

Annick seemed to be holding in more and more anger.

"You really believed that bullshit?"

The lady seemed surprised at Annick's language.

"She was very sincere."

Annick closed her eyes again.

Randy and Miciah were both thankful for her calm behavior.

Otherwise she would've gotten violent with this lady by now.

"And her adoption?" She asked.

Julia, which the two caught on by the metal name tag on her shirt, seemed a bit more scared.

"It was denied again." She sighed.

Annick without hesitation got up and left the office.

Julia quickly got up, following behind.

"Annick, Karen has changed. She really has. When she came to my office she was crying-"

Annick swiftly turned to face Julia.

"Tears Julia? Tears? What about Pricilla's tears? No one seems to care about what Pricilla wants. Now Karen comes in crying and all of a sudden you thinks she's a changed woman. Guess what? You don't know her like I do. What I know is that she's just gonna keep hurting my niece and none of you are gonna do shit about it!"

Annick turned back and left the building with Miciah and Randy following behind.

When she got out, she ran a hand through her hair.

"Don't be upset, Annick." Miciah said, putting a hand on her shoulder.

Annick sighed.

"Whatever. I have to get to Chris's house just to keep Pricilla from getting a panic attack." She said, getting back into the car.

When they got to Chris's house, Randy walked up to the door with her and Miciah decided to stay in the car.

When her brother opened the door, her first instinct was to smack him.

That's exactly what she did.

"Ow! What the fuck!"

"You idiot! Why didn't you tell me about Pricilla?"

His face fell.


"Don't Annick me. God, I am so angry with you right now!"

"I knew if I told you, you'd do something stupid."

"Ugh! I don't even wanna hear your stupid excuse." She said, pushing past him.

Randy gave Chris an apologetic look.

"She blow up on you too?" Chris asked.

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