"Is it just the two of us?" I ask, closing the door and walking into the main part of our dorm.

He shakes his head. "Nope we've got one other guy. Liam, also a sophomore."

I rake my fingers through my messy hair. "Well if he's as friendly as you are, we should have no problem." I say.

Niall chuckles. "Well Liam isn't mean but he's uh...he's special."

I raise my eyebrow. "Is he here now?" I ask.

Niall shakes his head. "Probably at some party. Let me show to your room."

"We get separate rooms?" I ask. "This is nice."

Niall laughs. "Yea we've got the newer dorm building. The dorms on the other side of campus are crappy and old."

"My room is the first room on the right, Liam's is right across from mine, and you're at the end of the hall." He says and swings my new door open to reveal a bed with a mattress, a desk, and a drawer for my clothes. It even has a little window, looking out over campus. Simple, but I like.

"It's a bit plain so I'd suggest buying some furniture and putting up a family picture or something." He says and I nod.

I put my suitcases down by the doorway and sigh. This is my new home for a while.

"Come back to the living room when you're done unpacking, we've got some food and drinks." He says and I thank him.

I spend the next hour organizing my clothes. I'm not a neat person, this place will probably be a mess within a week.

Once I'm done, I go back out where Niall told me and I take a seat on the bright green couch, next to the Irish guy.

"So Zayn." He says and offers me a bag of chips which I happily take. "You're a quiet guy and that's cool and all but, tell me a little about yourself. I don't want us to be strangers."

I shrug. "I'm from the West Yorkshire area, and erm...I'm a bit of an artist. I have no clue why I'm in college but, it's just a thing, I guess."

He laughs. "Well I'm from Mullingar, I live with my brother and my parents. I like socializing and I'm in college to make me mum proud." He grins cheekily.

I begin to tell him about my family when the door slams open and a tall, muscular guy walks in. "Oi Niall and new guy!" He says and stumbled into the living room. "I'll be back after I take a wee in the bathroom." He says and stumbles back out.

I blink, not really sure what just happened. Niall sighs. "I was hoping he wouldn't be drunk when you two met but it is what it is. He's nicer when he's drunk, anyway." He shrugs.

"Where are the bathrooms?" I ask.

"They're just down the hall, you can't miss them." He says, pointing to the right. "Do you need to go?"

I shake my head. "Just wondering for later. Where's Liam from?" I ask.

"Liam is from the West Midlands, Wolverhampton I believe." He says and checks his phone. "Feel free to eat whatever is in the mini fridge, I'm meeting my girlfriend for lunch. See ya later." He says and I watch as the blue eyed guy practically skips out of the room.

I wish I could be as confident and happy as he is.

I continue eating from the bag of chips Niall gave me and flipping through the channels of the flat screen tv until the door swings open again, and I see Liam stumble in.

He closes the door behind him and takes a seat on the couch that's across the room. I don't know what to say, I'm not sure how drunk he really is.

I feel his eyes on mine so I sit up. "Hey, I'm Zayn." I say, awkwardly reaching my hand out. For the second time today, my hand is ignored.

"Liam. There's only two rules to this dorm room." He says. I was expecting something along the lines of 'don't play music too loud and have fun'. But I was wrong. "1st, Don't ever come into my room. 2nd, if there's a sock on the front door, I'm having sex and you can come in at your own risk."

I raise my eyebrow and chuckle nervously. He's forming words pretty well so he's obviously not that drunk.

"Uh, you have a girlfriend?" I ask, trying to make conversation. He reminds me of Harry. Scary and rude.

"Nope." He says without looking at me.

I nod my head. "So you just like sleeping around? That's cool." I say, mentally slapping myself for being so weird as I reach in for another chip.

"I'm gay." He says and I almost choke in surprise. If my parents were here, they'd not only have a cow, but a whole farm.

People here are very different than where I'm from.

"So, you have a boyfriend?" I ask. Why do are keep talking?! I either don't talk at all or just talk random crap, getting myself in trouble.

He shakes his head. "Nope."

I can tell he's more focused on the tv than this conversation. I excuse myself and run to my new room.

This year is going to be interesting.

Gay Is Bad-ZiamWhere stories live. Discover now