Tell Me You Love Me

Start from the beginning

"So..." dad breathed out, rolling his arms for added affect.

Isn’t he just the funniest?

"I'm going to the park," I sighed in annoyance. The longer i stayed here, the longer Nate would have to wait for me. What if he left thinking that i had stood him up?

"Who are you going with?"

"Nate," I said simply before standing up. "I'm already late dad, so can I go?"

"No, sit down and tell me of this Nate? Who is he and why are you never out with Drew anymore."

This man is insufferable!

"Nate is my boyfriend and because Drew and I aren't really speaking at the moment... Can i go now please?"

As hard as it is to admit, Dad flinched as I said the word boyfriend. Even though my family has known about my sexuality for as long as i can remember, they have yet to be comfortable with it.

Dad coughed awkwardly before nodding his head and waving me off with his hands. He was clearly uncomfortable with having me in the room with him at this moment. It didn't really get to me anymore; I'd gotten past it by now. You can't expect everyone to be happy with your choices. "Okay but be back by eight, we are having family night so don't be late."

I gave him a small nod of the eyebrows before giving Nellie a kiss and leaving for Nate.

-x- Nathan -x-

As i stood in the empty park, I noticed something. Every single time I meet up with Arden, given that we have only met up once not counting today, I'm always painfully early and he's always on time. Today, though I was on time and he was late. I was starting to think that he had stood me up until i saw him casually strolling over.

"Hey Nate, I'm sorry I'm late but my dad was..." Arden said as he came closer to me, his voice trailing off at the end.

the closer he got to me, the more panicked I became. Albeit being the older one out of the two, I felt as if i was the younger one. Arden just oozed maturity while I oozed patheticness.

"Hey," I said smiling nervously. 

I was about to hug him when his lips crashed against mine. This was the second time we had kissed and yet it felt like it was the first. It was a mixture of passion, lust and desperation.

I tried to respond to the kiss but I found myself unable to do so. I don't know if it was out of shock or if it was something else.

Moments later, Arden pulled away from my lips, sending me a hurt look. I gave him an apoplectic look back. I hadn't expected him to kiss me. I thought we were broken up.

"So what did you want to talk about?" he muttered, not looking me in the eye.

I frowned in confusion before speaking. “I wanted to say I'm sorry, of course.”

Arden looked up at me, his deep brown eyes glimmering with tears.

"What are you sorry for?" he sniffed.

My heart fell at the sight of him crying. It was wrong and unnatural for him to be sad. I walked closer to him until we were centimetres apart. I raised my hand to his face and slowly brushed off his tears with my tongue. "What do you mean what am I sorry for?" Why is he crying? "I've been a total arse to you for almost three weeks and yet you ask me why I'm sorry?"

The situation was quite amusing despite the tears. This boy was incredible. 

"Nate, I understand that you had your reasons for shutting me off and that's okay. I'm just sorry I didn't give you the space you needed," he said, smiling a little before his smile turned into a frown and the tears started again. "I'm sorry."

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