I'm Sorry But It's Your Fault

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<< Sorry for the long wait but the chapter is finally up. Hope you enjoy it and don’t forget to vote! >>


Two weeks. Two fucking weeks. That’s how long Nathan’s been ignoring me. I mean if he wants to end it he should at least have the audacity to tell me, right? I have a right to know and him just ignoring me and avoiding everything isn’t going to fix anything

You know what? I blame this all on Jake. Why did he always have to act like he was my dad all the time? Why did he have to ruin everything? If he hadn’t come over acting all high and mighty, threatening Nate then everything would be fine but no. he cares too much about his silly little reputation. He knows I’m gay and he says he accepts it so why does he act different around his friends?

 I could hear crying from downstairs. Normally, I would have ignored her crying and maybe I would have helped coo her to sleep but all this mess with Nathan is really messing with my brain.

Groaning, I reached for my phone and prayed to god or whatever was out there that this time it would actually work.

“Hi! You’ve reached Nathan Jones. Sorry I could….”

Just as I thought.

I knew he knew I was calling and that he was simply ignoring my calls. I know this because each time his phone would right three times before he’d hung up and send me to voicemail. Approximately two minutes later, he would send me a text apologising.

Right on cue, my phone started vibrating in my hand telling me I had a text.

Sorry I’m not ready yet- Nathan.

Nate, please just answer me and tell me what’s wrong? - Arden.

This is what would happen each time I called him and each time he never answered back. Even though I knew it was futile, each time I would stare at my phone at the hope that maybe he’ll change his mind and text back but just like now, he never did.

My phone vibrated five minutes later and I could feel my hope rise at the thought that he’d finally changed his mind.

Hey man, part at mine in an hour. Be there! - Drew.

I groaned in disappointment as my spirits came crashing back to earth.

Drew was my best friend at school and as much as I loved him and all I couldn’t deal with going to his parties. They were full of people being way too happy and that’s the last thing someone who’s unhappy need and every time I went to one of Drew’s part we always end up hooking up which always makes me feel crappy the next day.

If Nathan was here we could have gone together.

Wait a minute. Why am I obsessing over someone who I hardly know anyway? Here I am grieving over him when he probably doesn’t give two shits. It’s not fair and I’m not going to let him keep doing this to me anymore.

It’s about time I get off my sorry ass and enjoy myself for once. I’m going to that part and I’ll be damned if I don’t have fun.

“Hey man, I’m glad you could make it!” drew yelled to me over the blaring music before handing me a beer.

I know I’m only fifteen and shouldn’t drink but I need to forget all the mess I’ve gotten into. Without the drink I’ll just be standing there feeling sorry for myself and I didn’t come here for that.

“Thanks,” I mumbled before downing the beer as If it was water.

“Whoa, slow down,” drew chuckled. “What’s got you so low? “

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