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  • इन्हें समर्पित: RosieMay

*** Hey this is my new story :) This is just the introduction to it but I hope you like it :) 

Four teenagers, all connected and yet they don't know each other. Each teenager lives a world of pain and suffering on a daily basis. 

Let's meet the team:

16 year old Nathan jones struggles to survive each day as a teenage homosexual. Each day he feels as if he's being pushed further and further off the edge. Who knows when it'll be too late and he falls off? His parents are keeping something from him that will change everything but is it worth finding out?

Then there's 17 year old Millie Kainbridge the popular, pretty bitch who if you're not like her and her friends you don't exist. but she's hiding something from the world. Is her life really as peachy as she makes it out to be? Is she really the strong rich princess she lets on to be? read on to find out....

16 year old Mandy Harper is from a family of free loving hippies. She knows nothing about the cruel world. She sees everything through Rose tinted glasses. How long will it be before the glasses crack and she gets a big helping of reality?

Last but certainly not least, we have Jacob Smith. He knows what he wants in life and stops at nothing to get it. He has everything in life to help him get it. His family is rich and he's got the brains so what is there to stop him? But then again when does life ever hand you everything on a silver platter? It likes to have its fun first...

**Right, this is what's going to happen... each character will have their own short story so if you dont want to read one it doesnt matter. the order of the books are in the order of how each character is introduced..... So,what do you think? Is it a good idea for a story? hope you liked it vote/comment/ share I’ll be gone for a month and I think that’s too long  to wait until chapter 2 so I might just leave this like this until I get back.. Hope that’s okay :D**

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