This Is Where It Gets Interesting

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** i got bored and thought "hmm i should really upload hold on" so i did because i want to get nathan's story over and done with so i can move onto everyone elses because i suck at boyxboy stories but i really wanted to try writing one anyway enjoy .... the picture on the left is of our sexy boy Arden :)**

I woke up the next morning earlier than I had planned and do you know why? Well I’ll tell you; some people just don’t understand common courtesy!

 I could hear them all shouting down stairs as if this was an episode of Jerry springer. Don’t they see that I’m trying to get my beauty sleep? Who in the world has an argument at… I paused my mental tirade to check my phone before starting again... 8:31 in the morning?

I tried to go back to sleep but every time I tried to succumb to the gentle hold of sleep the voices would just get louder and louder. They are so doing this on purpose.

Giving up, I hurled myself out of bed before dragging my sorry ass downstairs.

“What the f- hell is going on!” I shouted over their voices.

Everyone went silent as I looked each of them square in the eye. So now they shut up?

“I’m outta here,” Kenny muttered grabbing his jacket.

“Kenny-“mum started before she interrupted by a very pissed off Kenny.

Who the hell peed in his cornflakes?

“Kenny nothing. I swear if you don’t tell him I will.”

“Tell who?” I asked desperate to be involved.

“We’ll tell him tonight,” dad sighed, ignoring my question.

Are they purposely ignoring me? Do they want me to get funky with them?

“For the love of all things cheesy, will someone tell me what in the world this stupid argument is about?” I yelled earning really strange looks from everyone.

“We’ll talk about it at dinner,” mum said looking at dad for assistance.

He nodded in agreement which seemed to settle everything.

“You’ve got until dinner,” Kenny spat before storming out of the house.

“Who peed in his cornflakes?” I voiced trying to lift the mood but nobody was buying it.

As soon as I’d said that, mum and dad filtered out of the room as if they hadn’t heard me say anything, leaving me in the middle on the kitchen in nothing but my boxers thinking “what the hell just happened?”

Sighing I went back to sleep only to wake up a second later because guess what? I couldn’t sleep!

Why in the world did I come here 10 minutes early, I thought to myself as I stood outside the Crevix Theatre. I can just imagine Arden thinking, “what a desperate dork!”. Maybe I should just go to a park somewhere and just casually stroll in at exactly 1:00. That way I’ll look punctual without looking desperate.

I was about to do just that when I spotted Arden walking my way. Dressed in his formal black trousers and white button up shirt he made me look underdressed in my black jeans and red “kill the haters” t-shirt. Great. What is he going to think of me now?

I was snapped out of my thoughts to see Arden standing right in front of me while wildly waving his arms in my face. When did he get here? Had I been staring at him all this time? I really need to stop zoning out…

“Take a picture it’ll last longer,” he smirked.

What do I say back to that?

“I already have.”

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