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Chapter 27 


I was still fuming. Beyond mad, I was incandesant with rage. I had never been so humiliated in all my life. Kevin had been understanding, and didn’t make too big a deal of it, but it didn’t matter, I was still embarrassed. I was starting to like him though, more and more. The same could not be said about Ronnie anymore. 

If i had been angry before, it was nothing compared to how I was feeling right now after that phone call. 

I was so confused, what the hell had it been about? Her flat out denying that she had ever seen me. What was it all about? 

Was that her way of pushing me away before she left tomorrow? Because it was damn well working. That was the only explanation I could think of logically, but that was absolutely no excuse for the way she had treated me. 

And then to continue on the charade down the phone later on, had felt like a stab in the back. Like the past two weeks had meant nothing to her. 

I had made the right decision uninviting her to the awards ceremony tonight, that way we wouldn’t end up fighting in front of all the cameras. It was the right choice. Wasn't it? 

"What is going on with you Lou?" Harry said in the car on the way to the red carpet that evening. "That walk you took should have cleared your head, but you only came back in a worse mood. What happened?" 

"H, I couldn't tell you even if I knew myself. Shit went down." 

"Does this have anything to do with why Ronnie isn't coming tonight anymore?" he asked shrewdly, and I turned to him questioningly, "Rosie mentioned it. It might've been nice of you to tell my girlfriend you had uninvited yours tonight. She said is was awkward, to say the least." 

"She's not my girlfriend. She's made that very clear," I said sullenly, but Harry just rolled his eyes. 

"I have no idea what went down with you guys, but you cannot deny how much you both like each other," he said to me, and it was my turn to roll my eyes. "Alright, I get it, no more talking about 'she who will not be named'. I'm glad you went with the black suit rather than the navy, it looks better," he said, changing the subject as we got closer and closer to the building where the awards ceremony was being held. I should have been excited, we were tipped as favourites to win at least two awards tonight, but it just seemed hollow without the idea of Ronnie there to celebrate with me if we did win.

All I could think about was Ronnie's indignant voice on the phone, that she had done nothing wrong. That she didn't even know what I was talking about. 

"Alright lads, game faces on. You too Lou, come on," Liam said, nudging his shoulder against mine to shake me out of my thoughts. I grinned quickly at him, showing I was ready and he nodded to the security guard outside the car door, who promptly pulled it open for us. The noise hit us like a battering ram, smashing into our senses as the fans combined with the press started screaming our names incessantly, almost bursting my eardrums. 

"What a crowd!" Niall yelled, jumping out excitedly after Liam. I was the last one out, hesitating as I struggled to put a genuine smile on my face. It was hard knowing that Audrey, Rosie and Perrie were going to be waiting for Niall, Harry and Zayn, yet there was going to be no-one waiting for me. Liam was loving single life, so I don't think he really cared about being alone, but me...I had been so excited about Ronnie coming tonight, about seeing her, all dressed up and everyone knowing that she was with me, that she was my date for the evening. As shallow as it sounded, I wanted to show her off to the world one last time tonight before she had to leave tomorrow. 

A Love, a Lie and a False Identity (Louis Tomlinson)Where stories live. Discover now