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Chapter 35


2 years later…

People flooded out of the theatre in a crowd of smiling faces and good words. Charlie hung back, catching small snippets of different people’s conversations and breathing a sigh of relief when she realised they seemed to be positive. It had been so much work in the making, and tonight made it clear that it had all been worth it. 

The play had been her baby, struggling with it day and night trying to find the right words whilst juggling a hectic life. 

“You were brilliant,” his voice said behind her, his arms wrapping around her waist as he kissed her neck lightly. Charlie smiled and turned round, her arms around Louis’ neck. 

“I didn’t do anything.” Louis shook his head. 

“All the work you’ve done over the past two years, it made all this happen. That’s not easy, especially when you’re dating me.” 

“Yeah, you are a nightmare,” she joked, and laughed when he tickled her waist. 

“I meant my crazy lifestyle, Charlie.” 

“Oh, I know you did. I told you before, it doesn’t bother me. As long as I have you.” he kissed her nose affectionately. 

“Can I cut in?” they turned round and Charlie smiled when her three best friends, Laura, Katherine and Veronica were all smiling back at her from the steps of the theatre. They all squealed and embraced one another whilst Louis looked on, proud of his girlfriend. 

“That was amazing,” Veronica gushed.

“Thank you, I’m so glad you liked it!” Charlie said, squeezing her arm. Over the past two years the two girls had become close friends, and it became even more fun to pretend they were the same person or twins. Even Louis was starting to see the funny side to it, though he wouldn’t admit it. 

“There she is, the star!” Louis’ band mates rushed over and engulfed Charlie in a group hug, shouting their praises. 

“You know, Holloway, that was a damn good play seeing as it’s your first. You are going to do great things, kid,” Harry said, and Charlie hugged him once more. 

“I’m glad you think so,” Louis said, throwing his arm around Charlie and pulling her close, her arm wrapping around his waist, “because she’s agreed to do one more great thing.” 

“What?” Harry asked. Instead of answering, Charlie simply grinned and held up her left hand, the bright sparkling diamond sitting on her ring finger clear to see. Everyone around them exploded into noise, squealing with excitement and screaming their cheers at the news. 

“We’re getting married!” Louis shouted, making Charlie laugh with embarrassment. 

“When did this happen?” Laura asked, grabbing her hand for a closer look. 

“Last night. Completely out of nowhere, I had no idea he was going to ask.” 

“That’s amazing! I can’t wait to hear all the details!” 

“Well, first things first. You three have to be my bridesmaids,” Charlie said, and all three girls threw themselves at her, hugging and saying they’d do it, of course they would. 

“You sure you want to do this, mate? She’s gonna be a lot of work,” Harry said in Louis’ ear, messing around. Louis shoved his best friend good naturedly. 

“Never been more sure. You’ll be my best man, right?” he asked, and Harry nodded wordlessly, grinning from ear to ear. “Good, just checking.” 

As the group chattered amongst one another, Louis took hold of Charlie’s arm and pulled her away from everyone who was congratulating her on her successful play. 

“What’s wrong?” Charlie asked. 

“Nothing, nothing at all. I just wanted a moment alone with my gorgeous fiancée, before you become this big celebrity and forget all about me.” 

“Honey, I think there’s enough fame in this relationship as it is. We don’t need anymore,” Charlie answered, making Louis laugh. 

“I guess you’re right.” 

“So what did you want to say?”  

“I wanted to say how proud I am of you. All this,” he gestured to the theatre behind him, “this everything you wanted, and now you have it.”

“I’ve had all I wanted for two years now,” she answered, “I haven’t needed anything more. All this is just a bonus, trust me. There is nothing I want more than you.” 


“A million percent promise.” 

“I love you so much,” Louis said, kissing her. Charlie smiled into the kiss and closed her eyes. No matter how many times his lips met hers, she could never stop thinking about how lucky she was, how he made her heart race. She doubted it really would ever stop. 

“I love you too.” 

“This here is my promise, that I will support you in everything you do.” Louis said, taking her hand and staring down at the beautiful diamond ring. 

“Well, it’s my promise too.” Charlie said. “Thank you, for everything.” 

“You did all this, Charl, not me.”

“Yeah, but I couldn’t have done it without you,” Charlie argued. She pulled her fiancé into her arms, staring up at his face and wondering how they had done it. Beaten all the odds and come back fighting the way they did. 

“Sure you would. Probably sooner as well, if I hadn’t been there to distract you,” Louis grinned, kissing her below her ear to show exactly what he meant by ‘distraction’. 

“But I don’t want to. Not now, not ever. I don’t want to do anything without you Louis.” 

“Well, future Mrs Tomlinson, you aren’t ever going to have to.” 

Author's Note: the final piece to the story. Thank you from every part of my being, for investing time into this story and giving it such a warm and loving reaction. I love you guys. Seriously. 

Elle x

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