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Chapter 23


          “You are insane. Completely insane,” Zayn shook his head in despair, but I ignored him as I continued sorting through my wardrobe, searching for my clothes and throwing them into the empty suitcase sitting beside him on my bed. As usual he was doing as little as possible to help me, but over the last three and a half years I had grown used to it.

          “Thank you for your input.”

          “What are you thinking? This is-”

          “Insane. Yes, you’ve said before. But we only have a few days until she goes away,” I said, walking into the bathroom and grabbing some essentials.

          “So you’re making the most of it. I get it, trust me mate, I get it. But this-” he shook his head, and I finally stopped what I was doing to look at him. “If you do this, there is no going back.”

          “I’m not walking the plank or getting married, Zayn!” I said collapsing down on the bed and looking at him.

          “I know, and thank God. But still…are you sure this is what you want to do?”

          “She’s special, Zayn. You know that,” I closed my eyes, thinking about the night before when we had fought and made up.

          “Of course I do, she’s a sweet girl. Surprising, considering the papers, but true. I just think this whole thing is slightly…mad, is all.” He stood up and headed to the door. “If it all goes tits up, don’t say I didn’t warn you,” he said seriously before putting a jokey smiley face on. “Now you two crazy kids have fun, OK?” he disappeared out the door and a minute later I heard the front door slam.

Deep down I knew Zayn had a point, but I couldn’t help but not care. This was probably one of the most reckless and insane things I had ever done, and I had done a lot of things in the past that could constitute as crazy, but it just felt…right. And I knew Ronnie felt it as well, because she hadn’t even hesitated before agreeing to my idea.

We only had five days left. It was already Tuesday, and I could feel the Sunday already looming over us like a dark cloud. This would take our minds off it; make us so busy we wouldn’t be waiting around, thinking about when she would be gone.

The idea had come to me in a flash, and the more I had thought about it, the more it seemed like the perfect solution. Short of running away or joining the circus, this had seemed just about extreme enough to be exciting and once in a lifetime, yet no one would be calling the cops anytime soon when they realised where we were.

The doorbell rang a few minutes later as I was struggling with zipping up the suitcase. Smoothing my white t-shirt down with nervous hands, I abandoned the suitcase as a hopeless case and made my way down the hallway, still tugging at the end of my shirt. I could feel my palms sweating slightly as gripped the door handle, a million possible scenarios going over and over in my head.

Her turning up and laughing at me, telling me how stupid I was for believing her when she agreed to this.

Her turning up with another guy, telling me she was moving on.

It not being her behind the door, and eventually me realise she will never turn up.

For god’s sake, just be a man and open the door, I scolded myself, and taking a deep breath I pulled it open, the air in my lungs escaping in relief when I saw Ronnie standing there with a huge excited smile on her face and a small suitcase at her feet.

A Love, a Lie and a False Identity (Louis Tomlinson)Where stories live. Discover now