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          ‘Hi lads,’ I greeted the other three members of the band as we walked into the office room, nodding towards Will as I took a chair next to Zayn, Harry sitting down on my other side. Resting my hands on the table, I leant forward to hear what Will was going to say.

          ‘Welcome guys,’ Will started, grinning at us all, ‘thanks for coming in. What I wanted to talk about-’

          ‘Is there any food?’ Niall cut across, looking around as if McDonalds was about to magically appear.

          ‘I’ve got Martha on the case; she’ll probably be back any minute. Now, as I was saying,’ Will continued smoothly, used to these kinds of interruptions from Niall, ‘I wanted you to all come in so we can talk about the charity event that is happening next month.’

          ‘Called it!’ I cried triumphantly, earning odd looks from Zayn, Niall and Liam, and a bored one from Harry. Will just rolled his eyes and shook his head. We were definitely the bane of his life.

          ‘Anyway, the charity event; it’s a concert and then a meet and greet afterwards. You boys have been personally requested.’

          ‘Wait, what do you mean, personally requested?’ Liam asked, looking concerned and slightly worried.

          ‘Apparently you boys have become the fixation of someone who knows people in high places with deep pockets,’ Will said mysteriously, but we continued to look confused.

          ‘What does that mean?’ Zayn asked.

          ‘It means that you are going to be meeting some very rich people who wanted nothing more than to spend the evening with you guys, and were willing to pay for it.’

          ‘Someone bought an evening with us?’ Niall said disbelievingly, breaking into a grin when Martha, Will’s assistant, walked into the office with arms laden with food, dumping it on the table before grinning at Harry and leaving the room. I glanced over at him and he was grinning knowingly. We were going to have to tell him we knew about him and Rosie soon, so we could remind him to stop staring.

          ‘In a nutshell, yes. Of course there were a few more formalities than that, but I don’t want to bore you with the details. But before we sign the deal, I just wanted to make sure you guys were OK with this?’

          ‘Being sold like cattle?’ Harry asked, but he didn’t look too bothered. ‘Yeah, why not? You only live once.’

          ‘You did not just use YOLO,’ I said disbelievingly, shaking my head at my best friend. He shrugged and grabbed a packet of crisps before Niall could stash them all.

          ‘Who bought us?’ Liam said, leaning back in his chair and staring at Will with serious eyes.

          ‘You may have heard of her, she’s around your age. Lady Veronica Sandhurst-Winthorpe, she is related to royalty in some way.’

          ‘Now you are taking the piss,’ Zayn said, shaking his head and laughing, ‘there is no way some girl with a fancy title who sounds like she has just wandered out of Downton Abbey or Pride and Prejudice has any interest in us and wants to meet. There’s no freaking way.’

          ‘Believe it Malik. I know, I could hardly believe it myself at first. I just get a call out of the blue saying this girl wants you lot to spend the evening with her, and will pay handsomely. She’s going to be at the concert and meet you afterwards.’

          ‘What are we expected to do during this time with her?’ I asked, and the boys murmured their agreement, wanting to know what this girl’s expectations were.

          ‘It’s up to you boys, but perhaps something public and unique, the press will love this stuff, charity concert, cosying up to the royals, they’ll love it.’

          ‘So this is a publicity stunt?’

          ‘And the chance of a lifetime for one lucky girl,’ Will said, rolling his eyes.

          ‘What’s she like?’ Liam asked.

          ‘Is she hot?’ Harry piped up, and I smacked him lightly around the head. Rubbing it, he continued staring at Will waiting for an answer.

          ‘You can Google her later for that. All I’ve heard is she’s…kinda pretentious. A bit snobbish. Rude. Arrogant-’

          ‘Well, I just cannot WAIT for this evening to come round,’ Zayn interrupted, heavy on the sarcasm. I was on a similar wavelength. This girl did not sound like a walk in the park, at all.

          ‘Cheer up, she might be hot,’ Harry said, and we all looked at him disbelievingly.

          ‘You really do have a one track mind, don’t you?’ Niall asked, stuffing more food into his mouth.

          ‘Bit rich coming from you,’ Harry threw back, and Will just raised his hands in defeat. He could never tell when we were joking with one another and when we were serious.

          ‘Lads, please, enough with the bickering. It never helps,’ he said, and both Niall and Harry chuckled, amused that Will thought they actually meant it.

          ‘So we are being pimped out for an evening, basically, and it’s up to us to organise a night out, trying to impress and satisfy an almost royal,’ I clarified.

          ‘Fourteenth in line to the throne, apparently,’ Will chipped in, ‘and please don’t make it sound so crass. It would just be like booking you guys for a gig, only your performing for one person instead of thousands.’

          ‘Oh well sure, that’s much better then,’ Harry said, laughing quietly. I knew that he loved doing this, winding Will up and making him feel bad. It was one of his favourite past times.

          ‘Be nice, Harry.’ I scolded him, and he just sent his cheeky grin my way. Nothing fazed him, not from us guys anyway.

          ‘Sure, sure. I guess we need to get Googling then,’ he said, pulling out his phone. ‘What was her name again?’

          ‘Lady Veronica Sandhurst-Winthorpe,’ Will said, ‘and I’d do your research boys, from what I’ve heard, this lady is not that easily pleased.’

          ‘Nah, a little dinner, maybe a night on the town, that’s all we need,’ Harry began to say, but Will shook his head.

          ‘That’s not going to be enough, Harry. This isn’t one of your average friends, this is someone special. If she doesn’t get what she wants, she can be quite influential. Her father is great friends with Simon, and he will no doubt have words with him regarding you guys. She is all over the internet, all the time. She is the ultimate socialite, and would be a great ally to have regarding the media. She has them in the palm of her hand,’ Will stated, and we all looked at him with wide eyes.

          ‘I hadn’t realised it was that serious,’ Liam said after a moments silence, and we all nodded in agreement.

          ‘People are going to be watching. More people than you know.’

          Oh, God. You know that feeling you get when you receive some news that could potentially change your life, and not for the better? Yeah, that was starting to form in my stomach, and I was not enjoying it.

          Surely it couldn’t be that bad, could it? 

Author's Note: Hey, guys! These chapters are kinda setting the scene so far for the story, but don't worry the next chapter should be more excited! Hope you like it, please comment and vote, it means so much to me to hear that you are enjoying it! Dedication goes to Mariiftw because she was the first to comment on this story, means a lot! 

much love, 

Ellen x

A Love, a Lie and a False Identity (Louis Tomlinson)Where stories live. Discover now