(370): Valentine's Day Dance (Fred) (Part One)

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Sorry that I didn't update yesterday! I went to a Tenth Avenue North concert.

Here's a Fred x Reader requested by xXSpottieXX. You guys'll have to let me know if you want a part two to this or not.

You grin as you look up at Tadashi. As he slowly makes his way to Honey Lemon's lab, you're basically squealing with delight.

There's a tap on your shoulder. "What's going on?" the familiar voice asks softly.

"Hey, Fred," you breathe, "I just set up Honey Lemon and Tadashi for the Valentine's Day Dance." As Tadashi walks up to Honey Lemon, he glances back at you. You nod encouragingly and he turns back. "Here we go..."

Honey Lemon grins and throws her arms around Tadashi. "Sure, Tadashi!" she exclaims.

"And that's another point for ___," you say proudly. You turn towards your friend and hold your hand up. He laughs and high-fives you.

"Another point?" he asks. "Are you in a competition with yourself or something?"

You giggle. "Might as well be."

"So, Honey Lemon and Tadashi, Go Go and Wasabi... you're pretty good at this, huh?" He elbows you lightly as you both turn and walk towards the vending machines.

You dig in your pocket for a dollar bill. "I like to think so, anyways. Don't you think that they'd be cute together? Besides, we'll all be hanging together, anyways. I just like to see people happy." You shove the dollar in the slot and type out the coordinates on the keypad. When the bottle of Coke slides to the bottom of the vending machine, you lean down and sweep it up. "Want somethin'?" you ask Fred.

He scans the machine and nods. "Sure." As he reaches back for his wallet, you stop him.

"I'll pay for it," you offer. "What do you want?"

Fred smiles and leans forward. He types out on the keyboard as he continues, "Are you going to the dance?" He grabs his bag of potato chips and tears into them.

"Of course," you reply.

"It's tomorrow, isn't it?"

This is a little weird. Of course Fred knows that it's tomorrow. Not only has your friend encouraged you to match up everyone, but he's been around you as you excitedly discussed your dress, your hair, even the songs that would play at the dance. You have been extremely excited about Valentine's Day. Fred clears his throat as he shoves his hand in the bag. "Do you... have a date yet?" he asks. He messily shoves a handful of potato chips into his mouth.

You pause. No, you don't. You have been so busy the last couple of weeks, just getting your friends together, that you completely forgot to focus on yourself. Who would want to come with you, anyways? With a sigh, you press a hand to your forehead. "Ugh, no! I completely forgot."

Fred smirks. "Too busy playing matchmaker, huh?"

"Guess so," you sigh. "Gosh. Isn't that great?" You shake your head. "All of my friends will be going with their dates and I'll be completely alone. Isn't that awesome?" You twist the cap of the Coke bottle and shrug. "Oh well, at least they'll have fun."

"But you won't," he says. You lean against the wall.

"I mean, I'm sure I'll get to dance with Wasabi and Tadashi once or twice. They always offer to dance with me during the spring and fall dances, anyways. I'm sure it'll be fine. They'll have a great time, and that's all that matters."

Fred shakes his head. "___," he begins, "you've been playing matchmaker all week. Look... I'm not... I'm not-" He awkwardly reaches up and rubs the back of his neck. "What I'm trying to say is... would you like to go to the dance with me?" Your eyes widen. "I know that I'm not the ideal date for one of these things. I don't even know if you like me, but I do know that I like you. I mean, you're my friend, a-and I kind of like you in a... a romantic sort of way?"

You smile. "I thought that you weren't going to the dance."

He looks down. "Yeah... well, I would go for you, ___. If you want me to."

"Sure. Yeah, I'd love to go to the dance with you."

Fred lets out a sigh of relief. "Wow, that was the hardest thing I ever had to do. So..."

"So, pick me up around five tomorrow?" you suggest. "I think everyone is taking their date to dinner before-"

"Yeah, I can do that," he says quickly.

"Awesome," you say. You awkwardly try to situate your arms in a comfortable and natural-looking position across your chest, but your heart is beating too fast and your face is burning. "Um... my dress is red, so you'll need a red tie or-"

"Got it," he replies. "Are you sure you want to go with me?"

Your smile falters. "What do you mean?"

"I mean... it doesn't seem like this is what you really want," he mumbles sadly. "It's okay to say no."

Your eyes widen. "Oh my gosh, Fred, no - I mean, no, I want to go with you. I'm sorry if you thought that I didn't. It really wasn't my intention to come off like that. I really like you, Fred."

"I just wanted to make sure," he says. "So I'll pick you up at eight."

You nod.

"And I'll wear a red tie."

You grin. "Sounds good." You start to back away. "I've got to get to Biology. I'll talk to you later, okay?"

"Okay," he says. You wave and start to walk away. Even after you're gone, his face is still burning. He reaches into his pocket and digs out his cellphone. He quickly dials the familiar number. When the other line picks up, he says, "Hey, Heathecliffe. I'm gonna need some help for tomorrow."


This was actually pretty bad and pretty rushed. I'll do a part two if you want.

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