(348): Everything (Fred) (+ An Author's Note!)

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A lot of you have been asking me if I'm feeling better, and I am. I just need to take a break.

I've lost a lot of people recently, and believe it or not, I've lost another. One of the kindest men I knew lost his battle with cancer today. I was pretty close with him for a year of my life. I'm hurting, but I know that his family and friends are hurting even more. I don't feel like doing anything today, but I don't have much of a choice.

Aside from that, I've been really busy and super stressed, but I should be okay. Bad news, though: tomorrow and the next day I'll be working on schoolwork all day, this weekend I'll be packing all day, Monday and Tuesday I'll be taking/studying for finals, and Wednesday I'll be leaving for my vacation! So, I'll be super super super busy and sadly will not be able to update until after Christmas. I'm so sorry, guys! I'll still be answering messages, though, so don't feel like you can't get a hold of me! ❤

I am SO grateful for you guys! You lift me up everyday!

Here's a Fred x Reader. I'm sorry to have to leave you all with a Fred x Reader because I know that he's not a fan favorite (that hurts my soul) but I don't have a choice. Sorry. I hope you enjoy this~

"Hey, Hiro?" Fred asks, knocking on the glass window of his friend's lab. Hiro glances up from his work and smiles.

"Hey, Fred. What's up?"

"Do you think that I could keep a few things in here for today? You have the biggest lab."

Hiro shrugs. "Sure, that's fine. What are they for?"

"___," Fred says.

Hiro nods. "Ah. Isn't it your anniversary today or something?"

"Yup. Our first. I brought her gifts," he says happily. "Hang on." He turns out the door to grab the items.

"What'd you get her?" Hiro asks, stepping forward to see. Fred tugs in a silver cart filled to the top with goodies. "Whoa." Hiro steps back. "What is all of this stuff?"

"Presents," he announces with excitement. "Flowers, chocolates, stuffed animals. . . there might even be an actual kitten in here somewhere-"

"What?" Hiro gasps in disbelief.

"I'm kidding about the cat. But isn't that a great idea? Maybe I could stop by and get her one-"

"No, Fred!" Hiro shakes his head. "I don't think that ___ needs all of this stuff."

Fred glances at the party. "What? Yes, she does. She deserves everything."

"That's not what I meant," Hiro says patiently. "I mean, I think ___ is happy with just what she has."

Fred laughs. "You're not that smart with girls, little fellow."

"Fred, this is your first girlfriend," Hiro reminds him.

He sighs softly. "True. . . maybe you're right-"

"Freddie?" you call from outside the lab. You appear in the doorway. "I thought I heard you in here. Hey, Hiro."

Hiro waves. "I'll, uh, see you later. I've got to get to class."

"Okay," you say.

Hiro looks at Fred. "Good luck, man." He leaves the room quickly, leaving you with your boyfriend.

You grin up at him. "Happy anniversary," you say, crossing the room and hugging him tightly. He hugs you back, kissing your hair lightly.

"Happy anniversary," he replies.

"What are you doing in here?" you ask him, tilting your head back. He smiles and kisses you on your lips.

"I was just talking," he says nervously.

Your eyebrows pull together. "Freddie? Is something wrong, sweetie?"

He shakes his head. "No, of course not."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah," he says, squeezing your shoulders to reassure you. "I bought you something. . . well, some things for our anniversary!" He takes your hands in both of his and spins you around. "There! Happy anniversary, ___!"

You gasp. He can't see your face, and you're a little happy about that. "Oh! Wow. . . all of this is mine?"

"Of course. Do you like it?" he asks.

"Freddie. . ."

He sighs. "You don't." He drops his face in his hands. "Ugh, I should've known-"

You turn to him. "No, Freddie! I love it! Really, I do. . . it's just that you bought me all of this and I don't need it! I love it, just. . . Fred, I didn't even get you anything except for a gift card to Gamestop."

"What? Really!" He grins.

You pull it out of your purse. "Yeah, but-"

"This is amazing! Seriously!"

"It's only twenty-five dollars, Freddie," you say sadly. "It's basically nothing."

"Are you kidding? It's everything. Especially since it came from you. Thank you so much, ___." He kisses your forehead. "I'm sorry for getting you so much, I just wanted to make you happy. I know I'm not the ideal boyfriend-" He looks down and lets out a small breath.

"Not the ideal boyfriend?" you repeat in shock. You touch his cheek and reach up. "Freddie, you are everything I'd ever want; no matter what you buy me. I love you so much."

His eyes light up. "I love you, too." His hands fall on your waist as he pulls you against him. You smile and kiss him, tangling your fingers in the back of his long brown hair. He pulls back and touches his forehead to yours. "Happy anniversary."

"Happy anniversary," you reply. You press your lips to his once more.

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