(255): Happy Father's Day! (Tadashi)

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Okay, so obviously this is very late. I never had the chance to actually write any Father's Day one shots, so you're getting them late.

& thank you all for the wonderful ideas! They helped out a lot! I'll try my best to get all of them in! Feel free to keep requesting!


"Mommy, what are you doing?" Your daughter, (daughter_name) asks as she eats her cereal.

"Making your dad some breakfast," You answer cheerfully as you flip the pancakes in the pan.


"Because it's Father's Day," You remind her. "Did you make a card for him?"

"Yes. Here." She hands you the picture she drew. Three colorful, obviously-drawn-by-a-four-year-old stick figures stare up at you. They all hold hands and smile, surrounded by oversized flowers in a field of bright green grass. "It's us, see?" She points the the figure on the left. "You," she pauses and points to the one next to you, "me, and Daddy," she finishes, pointing to the figure on the right.

"It's beautiful," You tell her. "He'll love it." You set the paper down. "Are you done with breakfast?"

"Yup. Can I help make Daddy's?"

"Of course."

After you set the tray up with the stack of pancakes, small plate of bacon and eggs, and the toast and orange juice, you quietly walk to your bedroom with your daughter leading the way.

She giggles as she opens the door. Tadashi lays on the bed, snoring quietly. (Daughter_name) leaps on the bed, jumps on Tadashi and shakes his shoulder. "Daddy! Wake up! We made breakfast."

Tadashi yawns and turns around to face her. "Morning, sweetie. You made me breakfast?"


You smile and walk to the side of the bed. Tadashi sits up and you set the tray on his lap. "Wow, guys. Thanks."

You squeeze his shoulder. "Happy Father's Day," You say to him.

Tadashi reaches up to kiss you. "Thank you, love." He presses his lips to yours.

"Daddy, I made you this picture, too," Your daughter says.

Tadashi takes it and grins. "Is this us?" He asks.

"Yeah," She says. "That's Mommy, me, and there's you."

"I love it. Thank you." He kisses (daughter_name) on her forehead. "Want some toast?" He asks her. Your daughter reaches over and takes a piece of toast. She sits back. You take a seat on the edge of the bed. Tadashi hands you a fork. "Help yourself."

"I made it for you. Not for me."

"I'm up for sharing," He says with a smile. You return the smile and take a bite of the pancakes. Tadashi doesn't take his eyes off of you. "Thank you."

"For what?" You ask.

"For giving me a beautiful family," He says.

You lean in and kiss him. "Stop being adorable and eat."

Tadashi laughs. "Sorry."

"I love you," You say softly.

"I love you, too. So, so, much." He gazes up at you with admiration. He moves the tray to the nightstand and picks up (daughter_name). "And you, too."

(Daughter_name) giggles and wraps her arms around Tadashi's neck. "I love you, too, Daddy."

Tadashi wraps and arm around you and holds you close. The three of you sit together and keep your arms around each other.

"Happy Father's Day," You say again. You kiss Tadashi's cheek. "Thank you for being a wonderful dad for our daughter and a wonderful husband for me. I'm so lucky to have you."

"I'm lucky to have you," Tadashi says. He kisses your head, then (daughter_name)'s. "Both of you."

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