Chapter 22: Clean Slate Part II

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She decided to just think about it through the day, she had time to make up her mind. The weather was just perfect to lay by the pool and relax with her family. He saw her in her bathing suit and his jaw dropped, she went to the pool and stood in front of him, she closed his mouth and kissed him.

"My wife is smokin' hot," he said.

She blushed, "We can do that later, you have our baby in your hands so be careful," she told him.

She glanced at the two men in her life, she was so happy with her family.

They played around with baby John, he just smiled, you could see his dimples.

"You're the cutest thing your Mommy has ever seen," she exclaimed.

"Hey! So I'm not cute babe?" John joked.

"You know you're adorable," she said.

He kissed her, when their lips connected, all they felt was that spark they always between each other.

"I love you babe," he said.

"I love you more," she said.

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She walked to the gazebo, it was exactly midnight, she could see Daniel standing under it. She sighed and went towards him.

"Hey beautiful," he said.

"Hey," she said.

Little did she know that John followed her from a distance to make sure she was safe. He knew this conversation had to be between Daniel and Amy but he wasn't going to let her leave without knowing if she was okay. She was his wife and he will do anything and go through anyone to protect her.

"Sit down," Daniel said.

They sat down beside each other, an awkward silence filled between both of them.

"I'm sorry I was such a jerk to you in high school, I was really stupid and I did a lot of bad things just to try and be cool," he explained.

"It's fine," she said on a low voice.

"Amy, I know I hurt you but of all the girls, I loved you," he said.

She scoffed.

"So you practically rape the girl you love?" She asked.

He didn't know how to answer her question, "No, Amy, I was just a kid, I was stupid kid, I really loved you," he responded.

"Don't lie Daniel, I was the geeky girl in high school that nobody talked to and you were the jock every girl dreamed of," she explained.

"I know but life has been really good to you, a pro wrestler, married to the face of the company, CEO of the company and you even have a child," he said.

"Did you google me before you came here? Because yesterday, you barely recognized me," she said.

"You got me, I googled Amy Pizarro and I read reports that you're Amy Cena now," he answered. "You're living the Hollywood life, a great career, movies, albums, sold out shows," he said.

"I guess you can say that but it hasn't been easy," she responded.

"How so?" He asked.

"I've had to deal with a stalker and after my first album, I found myself with writer's block so my label dropped me," she answered.

"Oh," he said.

"I had been inspired since John and I started dating," she said.

"How long have you two been together?" He asked.

"Almost 7 years now, five years dating and almost two married," she answered. "He's the one that helped me forgive and forget," she commented.

"How old is he?" He asked.

"36," she whispered.

"I know you can talk louder than that Amy," he said.

"He's 36," she said.

"So you're into older men now," Daniel joked.

"He's better than the stupid kid that took advantage of me," she responded and elbowed him.

"I guess I deserve that one," he said.

She smiled, that's the first time he had seen her smile in a long time.

"You always had a beautiful smile," he said.

"Thanks, I guess," she responded shyly.

He sighed, "I just hope now that we talked, you can forgive me for all the damage I've done to you," he said very hopeful.

"Daniel, I forgive but it's not easy to forget," she explained.

"John has helped me erase those memories. They came back to haunt me the night I saw you," she said.

She noticed the time, she had to get ready to fly to New York and finish her album before the due date.

They both stood up, "I have to go, I have to put the finishing touches on my album and do a lot of promotion for it," she said.

He hugged her, "Here's my cell number, if you need anything just let me know," he said.

"I will," she said.

"When my album comes out, you should listen to it, you will realize there all the damage you've really caused me, listen to the song 'Wasting All These Tears', it's just easier to sing and write of it than to talk about it" she said.

"I'll check it out once you release it," he responded.

He held her hands, "Thank you for giving me the chance to talk to you after all these years," he said.

"It's fine, I had to do it to finally move on from it," she answered.

She waved goodbye to Daniel, she felt a weight was lifted off her shoulders, that a chapter in her life was closed and it will never be opened again.

She called John to pick her up, "Hey love, can you pick me up?" she asked.

"Yeah babe, I'll be in a few minutes," he answered.

She could hear baby John crying in the background and John stopping the car.

"John Felix-Anthony Cena, did you follow me to the plaza?" she asked.

He grunted, "I did Amy, I'm sorry, I don't trust Daniel, he took advantage of you once, I wanted to make sure he didn't do it again," he answered.

He arrived at the plaza where she was waiting for him and she hung up the call.

John got out of the car, "I'm sorry, I was trying to protect you," he said.

She hugged him, she was so glad she fell in love with him, she married the right man. She rested her head on his chest, she could hear his heart beat and she was at peace, they lived for each other.

"I love you John, thank you," she said.

"I love you too Amy," he said.

He lifted her chin up and looked at her sparkling brown eyes, and kissed her. Baby John started crying, she held him in her chest.

"Don't worry baby, Mommy is here now, did Daddy take you to spy on Mommy?" she asked.

"It's okay, Mommy will take care of Daddy later," she said.

John just laughed, he looked at both of them from the rearview mirror. He was glad he found her, every time he saw her smile or their baby, he knew he picked the right woman for him.

"John, earth to John," she said.

"Sorry babe, I was daydreaming," he said.

"Let's go home, we have to fly tomorrow, let's go finish my album" she said with excitement.

"Babe, let's go make a hit album," he said.

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