Chapter 17: Bring Me To Life

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After leaving FCW, Amy called her parents. Her family planned on going to the park to spend some quality time together. She had not seen her family in a while even though she called and chatted on Skype with them almost every day.

"Hey Mom, I was just in Tampa in FCW, I'm picking up John and baby John then driving to Orlando to go to the park with you all," Amy said.

"That sounds lovely, we'll get ready and meet you there," her mom responded.

"I love you Mom, I missed you, I can't wait to see you," she said.

"I missed you too princess, I love you, I'll see you soon," her mom said.

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"Hey John, did you miss me?" she asked.

"Of course I did babe, how was it?" he asked.

"It was wonderful, I saw Colt, everyone was really good actually, a young girl there caught my attention, she was abused by her boyfriend before arriving at FCW, I want to take her on the road with us and train her with Phil if that is fine with you love," she explained.

"That's fine with me babe but I'll let Phil know that you're still my wife," he said.

"I have no problem, thank you," she responded. "By the way, I called my mom, we're driving to Orlando to spend time with them," she said.

"Sounds wonderful, let's get ready," he said.

They had arrived at the park, Amy's brother and father were playing football with John. Amy sat by her mom with her son.

"John looks so cute," her mom said.

She was so happy to see her grandson again, "He looks just like John," her mom said.

"Hey! What is that suppose to mean? He's mine too," Amy joked.

"He has your smile," her mom said.

"Thank you!," Amy laughed. "It's just nice to be home for a bit, I missed you guys," Amy said.

She hugged her mom, she missed being around her the most, they were inseparable as Amy grew up.

"John, do you mind if we walk together for a bit?" she asked.

"No, it's fine, I'll take John with us too," he responded.

She sighed, "Are you okay?" he asked.

She smiled, "Yeah I was just thinking about us," she said.

"You're not divorcing me, are you?" he asked.

"Of course not silly," she said as she elbowed him. "Just thinking, did you ever think we will be here right now, married and with a cute baby," she said as she kissed baby John.

"If someone would have told me year ago that a new diva was going to win my heart, I was going to marry her and have a baby, I would have thought they were crazy," he joked.

"Me too, our lives have changed so much but I'm happy that they have," she said.

They sat down in a bench just talking and playing with their baby.

"Baby, do you know that you're beautiful?" he asked as he stared at her brown eyes and she blushed.

"Not really why?" she answered.

"I just don't understand how a woman like you doesn't feel beautiful," he explained.

She chuckled, "I just never felt good or beautiful enough for anybody, I changed my mind a bit when you told me you loved me," she responded.

"Why is that?" he asked, he held her by her chin to get her attention.

"I don't know, no one really told me I was beautiful until you came along," she responded.

"Well let me tell you, you're beautiful no matter what you think, you're the most beautiful woman in this world," he said and he kissed her.

She blushed, "I love you John, you're the only man that has actually made me feel beautiful and important."

Her pecked her lips, he tasted his lips after they kissed, "I love when your lips taste like strawberry," he said.

She blushed, he just smiled. As he stared at her with their baby, he couldn't help but think that he had fallen madly in love with this woman. Her brown eyes, her smile that made him melt, her body that he loved was like an hourglass, everything about her made him fall for her even more.

She fell for him, every time she looked up at him, she couldn't help but smile. He made her the happiest she had been in so long, she loved his dimples, his ocean blue eyes. For once, she felt beautiful, important to someone, cared for. Seeing her baby and her husband, she remembered how years ago, she wanted this life and now she had it.

"I love you John Felix Anthony Cena," she said.

"I love you more Amy Vivian Pizarro Cena," he said.

After spending a wonderful day at the park, they drove back home to Tampa, baby John had fallen asleep. John and Amy were just cuddling together, he kept grabbing and touching her, even kissing her neck knowing it was a turn on for her.

"John, you know what that does to me," she said.

"I know what it does, maybe I want you tonight," he whispered.

"John, I don't want to get pregnant again, not yet," she said.

"You won't baby, I just want to make love to my wife, is that so bad?" he teased her.

She turned around and kissed him, it had turned into a make out session between them. He removed her shirt, she took his off.

She kissed his neck as his hands wandered around her body, "I want you so bad babe," he said.

She sat on his lap and she felt his erection, "How bad do you want me?" she whispered.

She went inside of her, his thrust was fast and strong. "John, I want you more," she said almost out of breath.

She dug her nails on his back, he held her tighter, feeling her breasts on his chest.

"John, keep going," she said.

"I'm not stopping anything soon babe," he whispered in her ear making her smile.

She loved being with him, their bodies fit together like two puzzle pieces. She felt complete when she was with him. He never felt more alive than when he was with her. Even though he was superman, he never felt more invincible than when she was around him.

"I love you," they both whispered to each other.

**For you NievesSosa, you wanted a chapter of them with their baby :) and thanks monica for helping me get a middle name for Amy**

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