Chapter 10: Keep Your Friends Close and Your Enemies Closer

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Amy went to her locker room to pack a few things before the show ended. She felt a hand hold her close towards the wall. He kissed her with such a passion that it felt familiar and she kissed back.

"I know you miss these kisses because I miss them and I miss you," he said.

"I don't miss anything about you John," she lied.

"I don't know why you're hanging with them. I know I broke your heart, I'm sorry, I've cried myself to sleep and I've had sleepless nights because I don't have you by my side," he said.

"Wasn't your blonde bimbo enough company?" She asked.

"Babe, you know I didn't cheat on you," he answered.

"John, I have to head back, the guys will notice that I'm missing," she said.

On her way out, she was searching for the guys when Randy called her, "Amy, we need to talk."

"What is it?" She asked.

"We can't talk about it here, I don't want anyone to hear, let's to inside," he said.

In his locker room, "Whats going on?" She asked wanting to know.

"I think you need to sit down for this one," he responded. "I overheard you know who talking about her pregnancy," he started.

"Yeah, what about it?" She asked.

"Amy, her pregnancy is fake," Randy said. "She knew you were going to the locker room soon so she planned everything so it seemed like John had cheated, the only way she knew you two will be done is if she had a child of his, she knew he was going to want to be in the child's life, that's just the way John is," he explained.

Amy was speechless about the news. How was she so gullible to believe that her husband had cheated on her just like that, their marriage was going fine. However, that will mean that she cheated on John by kissing Phil.

"I have to talk to John," she said as she stood up.

"You can't yet Amy," Randy said. "I have an idea, why don't get the truth out of her?" Randy asked in hopes she would agree.

Amy nodded.

"Hey, we need to talk," Amy said to the bimbo.

"I thought we did enough talking," she said.

"Actually, I wanted to ask you about your pregnancy, how did it happen? Because I had a chat with your best friend and she said you can't conceive," Amy said as she raised her eyebrow.

She sighed, she knew Amy caught her lie. "I had it all perfectly planned out, I had John in the palm of my hand," she explained. "The day he was suppose to go out with me, he ditched me for you!," she screamed. "That day, I had it all planned out for him to fall for me and he picked you over me, he decided to tell you how he felt about you," she said while poking Amy's chest.

"Well, it wasn't my fault he didn't go out with you in the first place. I never did anything, John came to me, he asked me out and he fell in love with me for a reason. You know why? Because I'm different compared to girls like you. I was and always have been myself around him and that's the way he fell for me. You know I thought you were my friend, you ruined my life and my marriage, everything was fine until you decided to go through with this," Amy said as she was catching her breath from all the yelling she did.

In that moment, Amy opened the door to reveal John & Randy had heard it all.

"How could you Kelly?" John asked. "Why did you do that? You know I love Amy, I would give up my life for her if I had to," he said. "And Amy's right, I fell in love with because she's different, she didn't do anything but be herself around me," he explained.

"John, I just made up everything I told Amy," Kelly lied as she tried to rub his chest.

"People like you really disgust me Kelly, instead of being happy for those that are happy and accept their happiness, you decide to ruin their lives too," John said as he took her hands off of him.

"Kelly, even though you ruined my life, I won't ruin yours, no one in the tabloids will know what really happened, understood?" Amy said.

They all nodded. Amy stormed out of the room.

"Randy, thanks for your help," she said.

"No problem, you know I'm always here," he responded.

John tried to catch up to her but it seemed like they didn't want to be found.

Amy wanted to be alone, she didn't know what to think anymore. She went to the Divas locker room and luckily her best friend Kaitlyn was there.

"Amy, what's wrong?" You look so pale and you're shaking," Kaitlyn said with concern.

"She lied, he never cheated," Amy murmured.

"Wait, what?" Kaitlyn asked.

"I got the truth out of her thanks to Randy and he made John overhear everything to catch her in the lie. John never cheated, she planned everything to ruin my marriage, she know John has a soft side for children so she faked the pregnancy to get closer to him," Amy explained.

Kaitlyn was speechless, she had no idea that someone like Kelly would go this low to be with a guy.

"Thank you Kaitlyn," Amy said as she dried the tears from her face.

"Don't worry Amy, as your friend, I'll always be there," Kaitlyn said as they hugged.

Amy was happy that Kaitlyn was always there for her just like Amy was for her.

**It was Kelly, what did you guys think?**

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