Chapter 13: Surprising New Joy

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                                              **8 Months Later**

Amy had been staying in their Tampa home while John had been traveling to the shows and back home to spend time with Amy and take care of her. 

"Just two more days and we see Daddy again," she said as she rubbed her belly.

She sighed, she missed him a lot and she wanted to give birth already to see the baby. There's a knock on the door and Amy's nervous, she wasn't expecting any company yet.

She opened the door," John! I can't believe you're here," she exclaimed.

"I wanted to surprise my wife and my baby boy," he said with a smile.

"I thought you weren't coming for another two days," she said.

"Actually, I wanted to come home early," he said.

"Don't tell me you're hurt please," she pleaded.

"No babe, I asked Mr. McMahon if I could only do RAW for the next 2 weeks, he knows I want to be here for our baby's birth," he explained.

"Good, you scared me, thank you for staying with me," she said. Amy felt strange for a moment, "John, I think my water broke."

"Are you sure baby?" He asked.

"Yes, I'm sure and the contractions are getting worse," she said in pain.

"Okay, okay, I'll go get your suitcase upstairs," he said nervously.

"John, please hurry," she pleaded.

"Okay, I got everything, lets go," he said.

They had suitcase prepared for the day Amy would give birth.

He called her parents first since they could arrive to the hospital sooner than his family.

"Hey, how are you all?" He asked her mom.

"Everything's fine, is it time?" She asked.

"It's time, hurry," he responded.

"Hey mom, I'm on my way to the hospital, it's time now," he exclaimed.

                                                  * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Hello, I need a room for my wife, she's pregnant," John said t the receptionist.

"Sure, right away," she responded.

A nurse brought a wheelchair to take Amy to a room, John couldn't believe it was time.

"Doctor, she's ready, we're ready when you are," a nurse told doctor Johnson.

"We're ready Amy," Johnson said.

                                                  * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Here he is, Amy and John welcome your baby boy to the world," Doctor Johnson said.

"What will his name be?" He asked Amy.

"John Felix Anthony Cena Jr. Just like his father," Amy responded with a smile.

John had a smile on his face once he heard the baby boy's name, he realized that all this time they never discussed what name to give the baby, it was probably because Amy planned it all along.

"He's so handsome like his Daddy," Amy exclaimed. "You want to see him John?"

He looked at his son, he looked just like his parents, he was beautiful, John was just amazed.

Amy's family arrived just in time to see the new addition to the family. John received a call from his family, "John, we're arriving early tomorrow."

"Sure, Mom, I can't wait for you guys to see him," John said with joy.

"What did you name him?" Carol asked.

"His name is John Felix Anthony Cena Jr.," John answer proudly.

"Aww, Amy named him after you didn't she?" his mom asked.

He smiled, "Yeah she did."

                                                  **Next Morning**

"Good morning everybody," Carol said as she came through the door. "How are you feeling Amy?" she asked.

"I'm doing fine, thanks Carol," Amy answered.

"Where's baby John?" Carol asked.

John's family arrived to see the precious little boy. Everyone in the family was happy, Amy just teared up seeing all the family united, she wished that it happened more often.

"Are you okay babe?" John asked.

"Yeah love, I'm fine, I just love seeing everyone together like this," she answered.

"We'll always be united, no doubt about that," he said.

Once they were home, Amy noticed John's room was filled with gifts from everyone she knew. From both of their families to their WWE family, everyone was so happy about the new family addition.

A month had passed since John's birth, John and Amy took him to travel with them and everyone backstage got to meet him.

"Oh my gosh, he's so cute," everyone kept saying.

Amy couldn't be happier to see them be happy for her, she only needed one thing to be completely happy and that was return where she belonged.

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