Chapter 5: Hell Hath No Fury Like A Woman Scorned

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Amy went to John's locker room, she could hear some noises coming from inside. She opened the door and only to see John screwing a very familiar looking blonde Diva.

"I can't believe you," she yelled.

"Babe, it's not what it looks like."

"It is exactly what it looks like, I just never thought you would do this to me."

Amy ran, she hid in the dark with her knees to her chest. She wanted to cry but the tears were not coming out, she was furious, all she wanted was to kick her butt and confront him, ask him why he would do this to her. She thought they were happy, that she was doing everything exactly right for her husband but she began to think she was completely wrong.

A man saw her, "No man should make a lady like you upset, you're a diamond but a rare kind." She glanced at him, it was CM Punk, "I know a way that you can get justice for what happened to you." He looked down at her, "Go one on one against her in a Loser Leaves RAW match and beat her and with your husband, I can help you with him once you go get that match."

As furious as Amy was, she went to Mr. McMahon's office and Hunter happened to be there as well.

"Amy, are you okay?" McMahon asked.

"What's wrong?" Hunter asked.

"Actually I have something to tell you concerning two of your superstars," she began. "I just saw my husband cheating on me with WWE Diva and I want consequences for both of them," she said angrily. "Vickie is having a storyline with her so I would like it if I had her in a Loser Leaves RAW match so she is sent to SmackDown and she's not involved with my husband. And I'd like to get out of the storyline with my husband and I have an idea for that already."

"Amy, we understand how you feel so we'll be granting you both of these wishes. If you need anything, let us know," Mr. McMahon said.

"I'd like to travel without my husband until I'm ready to talk to him about the situation and I'll be getting a bodyguard because I don't want him near me at this moment," she said.

"No problem," McMahon said.

"We're here if you need anything else," Hunter said.

Backstage she let Punk know about her match against her tonight, she was going be taking out her rage towards her. He liked that she was taking revenge in her own hands.




"Excuse me! Excuse me!" Vickie Guerrero said. "Well, tonight you will be in a Loser Leaves RAW match against this woman."

"You better hold on tight, 'cause I'm gonna love you nice. I'm gonna do it right. Let me light a fire on you tonight."

Amy's music was playing, "Thank you, Vickie."

"No problem, be careful," Vickie said.

"Her opponent, your CEO and Divas Champion Amy Cena!" Justin Roberts announced.

The bell rang and Amy speared her.

Amy punched her so hard that she bled, "Please stop, I'm sorry, I never meant to harm you," she said.

With all the anger and fury inside of her, she didn't want to stop. Amy mocked her by posing just like her and surprisingly the crowd was cheering. Amy put her on the Muta Lock and she tapped out in a matter of seconds.

"Here's your winner, Amy Cena," Roberts announced.

At the top of the ramp, Amy held her championship high in the air and proud of what she had done, she blew her a kiss and waved goodbye.

Backstage, Kaitlyn ran towards Amy, "Amy, are you okay? I heard what happened, if you need anything, tell me."

"I'm okay just furious at both of them but I'll get my revenge somehow," she held on her title on her shoulder. "I actually need a huge favor from you, would you mind getting my bags from his locker room? I don't want to see him right now and I'm going to travel alone from now on."

"Sure my friend, anything for you, I'll see you back at the locker room," Kaitlyn said.

"That's perfect, thank you," Amy responded.

How could he have been so stupid? He loves her! He waited over 5 years for her and he ruined it with one stupid decision. He didn't even know why he wanted to screw her.

He heard a knock on the door and he hoped it was Amy, that way they could discuss what had happened. He opened the door only to find Kaitlyn, "Hey, sorry, I'm just here to get Amy's stuff."

"Are you her maid or something?" John asked.

"John! I'm not here to get insulted, she's my best friend and right now she needs me after what you did to her. How could you?" she yelled.

"Look, I don't know why I did, I don't know why I wanted to ruin my perfect marriage because of a whore," he yelled.

"If I was you, I would get together and talk to your wife because she looks fine now but I know it's killing her on the inside," Kaitlyn left furiously.

John went to McMahon's office, "Excuse me. I'd like to be able to reach my wife right now," he demanded.

"John, please sit down," Hunter said.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"Amy informed us about what happened. We don't want this to end up being a mess so she requested that the Diva you cheated with to be drafted to SmackDown, that way she's no longer involved with you and she requested to travel without you at the moment," Hunter explained. "We want to give her some time to focus and think about what happened, and she also requested to be removed from your storyline."

John had his head down and he felt his eyes being filled with tears but he held them in. "She's my wife, I don't know why I did this, my marriage was perfect until I ruined it with one stupid mistake."

"John, just give her time, she's just upset," Hunter assured him.




The next day, Amy had her RV waiting outside for her, it reminded her of the one she shared with John, it brought back old memories.

Her driver, Jason, introduced himself, "Hello, my name is Jason, I'm guessing you're Amy."

"Yes, I am, nice to meet you," she responded.

She heard a knock on the door, Jason opened it and a very tall guy appeared with dark sunglasses, "I'm guessing you're my new bodyguard," Amy said.

"Yes, young lady, I'm Tony, you're bodyguard," he responded.

"Jason, Tony, I'm not a demanding person but all I ask from both of you is not to let my husband, John Cena come near me. I can't bare with his presence right now," she said.

They nodded in response.


A week had passed and it was time for the PPV Payback, John had a match against Ryback for the WWE Championship. At the curtain, Amy was ready to accompany him for his match, he kissed her cheek, "I missed you babe." 

Amy didn't respond, his music started and they walked down the ramp together. During the last stage in the Ambulance Match, John managed to beat down Ryback and win it. John came back to the ring to celebrate his win and The Shield's music started.

Sierra, Hotel, India, Echo, Lima, Delta: Shield.

The Shield start beating up John, then Randy and Team Hell No tried to help John. To her surprise, CM Punk returned and helped The Shield beat up the guys. The Shield and Punk overpowered the guys and were left standing tall in the ring. Amy was at ringside and they just stared at her and she was scared, Punk opened the ropes for her and gives her his hand to help her get inside the ring.

"Come, celebrate with us," Punk whispered.

The Shield stared at Amy then at the camera, "This is how justice will be served," they said.

They were all standing beside each other and they all raised their hands in victory, their fists touching each other.

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