Chapter 1: WrestleMania Celebration

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"Will you marry me?" he asked.

She gasped, she had her hand over her mouth, she was shocked. Amy cried as she saw that beautiful ring. So many thoughts came racing through her head. John and Amy had been through so much these five years and she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. John was so nervous as he held that box and he was on one knee. He asked her if she would marry him and she just stood there thoughtful about it.

"Yes, I'll marry you."

Her words were barely audible, she had never been this speechless in her life. He took the ring from the box and placed it on her finger. They started kissing, she put my legs around his waist, he held her there. John was so happy, Amy had made him so happy. The crowd cheered and clapped after she accepted his marriage proposal.

"I love you babe, I know I should have done this a long time ago but I was waiting for the right moment," he said.

"Love, everything was worth the wait."

Everyone left ringside and headed backstage, he hugged her so tight, "What did you think of the surprise baby?" 

"I loved it, I can't believe you did all of this for me."

They pressed their foreheads against each other, "I would do this and more for you babe."

She hugged all her family, she had not seen them since her birthday. They kept asking about the ring and he was proud of his girlfriend, well fiancee now. His brothers came to hug him.

Carol came towards him, "John, I'm so proud of you for doing this. She deserves this and all the happiness that comes with it, she's an amazing girl, she's rare, there are not many left like her."

He hugged her, "I know Mom, that's why she has that ring on her finger."

Even as they were surrounded by everyone, he glanced towards her, she looked back at him with a smile on her face.

"I love you," she mouthed to him.

John headed towards her, he put his hand on her waist and whispered in her ear, "I love you too."

He saw her smile, her beautiful, shiny brown eyes and he just wanted to melt. Even though they had a celebration between Amy's win and their engagement, John had to get ready for his match against Dwayne. Both of their families were backstage as John went to get ready for his match. They went to his locker room, hand in hand, Amy was so happy, she kept staring at the ring, she couldn't believe it.

"Thank you for the surprise love, how did you manage to pull everything off?" she asked.

"I planned with your parents, and for all of your family to attend basically, my family was already coming so after that it was easy," he smiled. "I'll do anything for my princess to make her even happier than she is."

She had a smile on her face, "I'm really thankful, you did amazing."

He kissed her forehead, "Babe, I gotta go to the gorilla position, I have to warm up for my match, I'll see you in a bit."

He helped me get up from the couch, he put his hand on her waist and held her very close to him, he kissed her passionately.

"Love, have a good match, I love you."

"I love you too babe, I'll be back soon," he blew her a kiss before he left, she blushed immediately and blew one to him.

Amy called their families to John's locker room to watch the match. She knew last time he faced The Rock, they took each other to the limit. She was worried and nervous for him.

"This next match is scheduled for one fall and it's for the WWE Championship," Justin Roberts announced. "And your challenger from West Newbury, Massachusetts, weighing in 251 lbs, John Cena," he said. "And your WWE Champion from Miami, Florida, weighing in 260 lbs., Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson."

Amy was biting my nails as every near fall happened. The crowd cheered for The Rock and booed John which she knew was affecting his performances lately. Everyone kept staring at her as the match progressed. The referee signaled them that the match was ending, Amy headed towards the gorilla position where she knew John would be after the match. She heard the bell ring but she didn't want to open her eyes, then she heard John's theme, she screamed like a little girl.

"Here's your winner and new WWE Champion John Cena," Roberts announced.

Amy was so happy for him, she watched on the TV backstage as he celebrated, she couldn't wait for him to come to her. He made his way up the ramp, she saw him and smiled.

He hugged her, "I did it for you babe," he whispered.

Amy turned back and everyone from the locker room was there even their families to celebrate with him.

"You did amazing, love."

Everyone went to celebrate their win and engagement in a local restaurant, they even had fans take pictures and ask for autographs. Amy sat and contemplated on everything that had happened today. She had her Divas Championship in her lap and glared at her engagement ring, she couldn't believe she was engaged. Years ago, she dreamed about being in the WWE, John Cena was her crush, she wanted the life that she had now. She wandered around her, Amy looked around the restaurant to see she was surrounded by her family, John's and everyone from their WWE family and close friends, this was all a dream come true for her.

"Babe, why are you here so quiet?" John asked.

He startled her, "Sorry love, I was just admiring my championship and my new engagement ring," she took a deep breath, "And thinking that a few years ago, this was just a dream and now it's reality, I worked hard to get where I am now and I'm glad it paid off in the end."

He sat down beside her, "Well babe, let's just say all of this, you deserve it all and more."

They kissed. He made sure she wasn't leaving anywhere, years ago, he thought his life was over when he divorced Liz but now he was ready to be happy and start all over again.

"Get a room," Zack Ryder said.

Everyone laughed and she rested her head on John's shoulders. They held hands as the night progressed.

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